Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1053: Her relationship with Shen Yi (3)

Of course, she knew the truth that Uncle Zhong looked like Shen's family in the same way, and carried Shen's family in another way.

If the surveillance is really called, it will be clear whether this woman is making trouble in the middle of the night or the loyal uncle offends.

"Military Lord, I... I'm always speechless in this house. I can't guarantee whether Uncle Zhong has any problems. Since this lady questioned Uncle Zhong, she still gave the position of steward to others, I Let him go back."

Jiang Yunwen glanced softly at her eyebrows, facing Shen Jun with a cowardly and scared expression.

This is in sharp contrast to Xin Luo, who has a tough attitude.

Shen Jun was immediately aroused by Jiang Yunwen's attitude of being like a bird and being a man.

He frowned and rushed to Luo angrily: "You vixen, shut up! This is the Shen family, it is not your turn to speak! Shen Yi, give me a word, will you catch this vixen today? Go? If you don't drive her away, I'll call the old man!"

Father Shen went to other provinces to see old friends, but he was not at home.

The Shen family frowned slightly, his face already pale.

The three words "fox spirit" are simply an insult and offense to Xin Luo.

He was about to tell Xin Luo's true identity, a small white hand held his arm.

Xin Luo shook his head at him and motioned him not to reveal his identity.

She came tonight, not to confess her.

Xin Luo stood on tiptoe and whispered in Shen Yi's ear: "I have something urgent, don't waste time here."

After Shen Yi listened, his eyes were slightly constricted.

"Okay, whatever you want, it's up to you." Shen Yi smiled lightly, his grim facial features softened a lot in an instant.

A man who has always been happy, angry and invisible, even has such a gentle and caring side.

Not only Shen Jun and Jiang Yunwen were dumbfounded, but even Shen Xinchen, who finally turned around from the feelings of distress and regret, was deeply shocked by the warmth on Shen Jun's face.

She is the jewel in father's palm.

But since childhood, when did he smile to himself like this!

"Then let's go to the study, I have something to do, I want you to help."

Hearing Xin Luo's words, not only did Shen Yi not feel disgusted, but a touch of relief flashed in his eyes.

The niece is willing to come to him, whether she really wants to make up with him, or just to take advantage of him, Shen Yi will never complain.

These are all he owes this child.

Over the years, he has long tried to make up for it.

However, the original hurt was too great, this child did not accept it, and did not need it.

The Yue family took good care of her. She was far away in China, and there was nothing worthy of the Reddington eldest.

The only thing he could do was to take good care of her, Lu Qilin, who happened to be studying at the Imperial Military Academy.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi felt very guilty, holding Xin Luo's hand, "Let's go, I will take you to the study."

He was also anxious when his niece had something to do, and he had no time to deal with the angry Shen Jun who was still waiting for his answer.

Xin Luo was held back by Shen Yi, a little resisted, but thinking of the two children, she stopped wanting to withdraw her hand.

However, it was a little uncomfortable at first.

To the back, Shen Yi held her hand, there seemed to be something different.

very special.

Xin Luo didn't understand where that particular origin came from, but she didn't have the idea of ​​wanting to get rid of.

Shen Yi gained great power in the Shen family, he left with Xin Luo coldly, even if Shen Jun was angry, he didn't dare to stop him.

What's more, the huge Shen family, the guards dispatched by the military department, are all completely obedient to Shen Yi.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Shen Yi and the woman, Jiang Yunwen gently pulled Shen Jun's arm.

"Military master... I think, let's forget it. We don't know about this. Tonight...none of us are up, OK?"

"What the hell! Absolutely not, I'll go and inform the old man now!" Shen Jun said with a grimace.

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