Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1065: Mommy is here (plus 3)

"Don't worry, I don't..."

Before Xinluo finished speaking, he heard an exclamation, which came out of the gate.

"Ah... be afraid of Dudu, don't Dudu... let go of Dudu!"

The familiar tone, belonging to the little girl's soft scream, sounded in the main hall.

Dudu is screaming!

Xin Luo suddenly panicked.

What is Lu Yuchen doing?

Why is the beeping sound filled with fear.

Xin Luo was frightened, and ran to the main hall of the manor after leaving Lu Jiu off.

As a result, when she followed the sound, she ran inside.

What I saw were two figures, one large and one small, playing by the sofa in the main hall.

Lu Yuchen, who was tall and straight, was standing on the edge of the sofa.

And Dudu?

she was……

She was sitting on Lu Yuchen's shoulders, although she screamed again and again, but her big beautiful eyes sparkled with excitement.

Even his face was flushed with a healthy flush.

The arrival of Xin Luo was naturally not in Lu Yuchen's expectation.

When he found out, that charming figure that was thinking about day and night unexpectedly appeared in the hall.

The man shook Xiao Dudu's big hand.

Knowing that the little woman would come, he would never lift the little bun on top of his head.

Lu Yuchen felt ashamed.

The little woman carried her and gave birth to daughters with other men.

Not only did he not pretend to be indifferent, and asked his guilt, he was hit by Xin Luo.

"Yeah--" At this time, Xiao Dudu gave a scream of excitement, not giving face.

So happy, so fun.

Uncle Yueze also said that she was not a lady and would not give her a ride.

No wonder the other kids like to ride their shoulders when they go out. It feels like riding on the shoulders of dad.

"Uncle Lu, it's so fun... Dudu can't play alone, let An'an play when An'an gets better!"

Xiao Dudu didn't notice Mommy, still holding Uncle Lu's head, squinting and laughing.

However, I still have a conscience, what's fun, I haven't forgotten An An.

At this time, the man couldn't talk anymore.

He lifted Xiao Dudu from his neck and hugged it.

"Uncle Lu, why didn't you play?" Xiao Dudu reluctantly hugged Lu Yuchen's neck and asked with his head tilted.

It was a little bit disappointed to find that the man did not speak or look at himself.

Uncle Lu obviously liked her, why didn't she look at herself suddenly?

Xiao Dudu felt a little sad, couldn't help but looked back at the man's eyes...

"Mommy! Mommy, Mommy... Dudu is here, Mommy!"

When he saw Xin Luo, Dudu swept away the frustration that Lu Yuchen had just ignored.

She was like a sensitive little chubby rabbit, she immediately flicked out of Lu Yuchen's arms and went straight to Xinluo.

The whole world is not as important as mommy.

No one can replace Mommy's position in Dudu's mind.

"Mummy, Dudu misses you so much, ohhh... Dudu wants Mommy!"

The little fat dumpling cried as he ran, and before he ran to Xin Luo, he cried and became a little cat.

Xinluo's originally high-hanging heart was melted the moment he saw Xiao Dudu.

Obviously she shouldn't cry in front of her daughter, but when the little bun rushed into her arms, she steadily caught it, bent over to hug her daughter, and couldn't help but shed tears.


Don't be afraid, Mommy is here, Mommy is here.

"Uuuuu... Mommy, Dudu misses you so much. Mommy never leave Dudu again, OK, take Dudu wherever you go!"

Even if there are grandpas and grandmothers, there are uncles, there is An An.

There is even Uncle Lu now.

But the person Dudu wants most is Mommy.

She never wanted to leave Mommy anymore. In the days without Mommy, Dudu was so pathetic and pathetic.

"Well, Mommy was wrong. Mommy will never drop Dudu again. Whether it's Dudu or An'an, Mommy will always be with you, OK?"

[The author has something to say] There is one more, I will continue~

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