Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1071: Little tadpole is looking for mother (plus 1)

"An An..." Xiao Dudu bulged his bun's face, and looked at the half of the cake that Dudu had snatched.

That is cream strawberry cake, her favorite.

Bad An An, actually grabbed her cake.

The kid Yue Zheng was impatient and pinched Toot's little fleshy face.

"Cake is more important than mommy, you choose it yourself."

Xiao Dudu reluctantly looked at the cake in An An's hand, then turned his head resolutely.

"Hey, An An is bad!"

Clearly know that Ma Ma is the most important to her.

Stinky, use this trick every time.

Seeing that Dudu finally got down, An An put the half of strawberry cake on the table at random, grabbed her hand, and went upstairs.

An An took An An's little hand, followed behind him, and asked curiously: "An An, where are we going?"

An An: "Go to my mother."

Stupid, just told her just now, she actually forgot.

"But An An, do you know where Mommy is?"

She had the mommy she saw for breakfast, and then she disappeared.

Until now, um... it was already after dinner, and she was having dessert after dinner, but Mommy never showed up.

But that looked serious, but Uncle Lu Jiu who laughed stupidly said that Mommy was still in the manor.

She just went to talk with Uncle Lu.

If so, Dudu won't worry about it.

Uncle Lu is very kind, he will take good care of Mommy.

"I don't know." An An didn't even turn his head, still looking straight ahead, "However, I can guess."

"Wow, An An is great!" Dudu exclaimed sincerely, "Why An An can guess every time, Dudu doesn't know."

Dudu, Dudu is upset, Dudu has a little mood.

Obviously they are twins, why is An An smarter than her every time.

An An didn't need to look back, and she could guess that Dudu must have frowned and frustrated.

He reluctantly comforted, "You are still young, and you will understand when you grow up."

"But Dudu is obviously as old as An An." The little girl said aggrieved.

An An was speechless.

I had to change the subject, "By the way, the Uncle Lu you mentioned, do you know which room he sleeps in?"

Xiao An'an has a slight road infatuation, but this does not affect her remember that Uncle Lu's room is on the top floor.

After all, the room on the top floor is too big and luxurious.

"I know, I'll take you and go."

As soon as Dudu saw him, he shook everything out of what happened yesterday.

An An has become accustomed to the beeping noise, and while she is chattering, she has quickly extracted the important information she needs.

Obviously, the man who kidnapped them must have something to do with Mommy.

Uncle Lu, who has a ‘good heart, a warm smile, and kind to her’ in Dudu’s mouth must be a man with bad intentions.

Ha ha.

The more Zheng children do not believe that ordinary people would treat strange little girls this way for no reason.

Obviously kidnapped them, but suddenly changed his attitude.

The only possibility is that the man named "Uncle Lu" in Dudu's mouth is unscrupulous and has other attempts.

Xiao An An was cultivated by Yue Ze and Lord Duke.

Thinking of Mommy's sudden'disappearance', and thinking of Lu Jiu's uneasiness, Anan suddenly wanted to understand the deep meaning behind it.

An An frowned and urged her to toot, "Go faster, if it's too late, Mommy will be eaten by the big bad wolf."

"What, there is a big bad wolf!?" Dudu was frightened suddenly by An An, but he couldn't cry at all when he thought of Mommy.

Grabbing An An's hand, she stumbled to the top floor.

[The author has something to say] There are three more~

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