Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1077: The sensible little Yusuke

"The sweeter, come here."

An An lowered her voice and ordered again.

Although he was talking to Xiaorou Baozi, his cold blue eyes fell on Xiao Lu Qilin's face.

This little boy has a face extremely similar to himself.

Others may not be able to guess the truth behind it.

But the precocious child Yuezheng, the moment he saw Xiao Lu Qilin, the alarm bell sounded loudly.

Instinctively told him that this child is definitely what his uncle said "Youyou".

One dudu is annoying enough.

He would never allow one more person to rob him.

"An An..."

Xiao Dudu didn't understand An An, so why suddenly she pulled her face down.

She was a little scared.

Looking at An An ignorantly, he found that he was looking at his big brother, and then turned to look back at his beautiful big brother.

The eldest brother's eyes, like magnificent black gems, also fell on An An, with a slight sorrow.

Xiao Dudu tilted his head to look and came to a conclusion.

It seems that An An is jealous.

Although he usually dislikes himself, he feels unhappy when he sees that he likes other big brothers.

Well, it must be so!

"An'an, don't be angry...I'll come over now." Xiao Baozi didn't want to provoke the two brothers to quarrel, so he stepped up the stairs obediently and went to An'an.

"Don't go." However, he stretched out a hand behind him and grabbed her soft little hand.

"Huh?" An An was stunned.

The older brother took the initiative and held her hand.

Xiao Lu Qilin narrowed his eyes, with a slightly gentler attitude than before, "Didn't you mean cold? I'll take you to add some clothes."

After finishing speaking, not only took Xiao Dudu's hand, but also pulled her back.

Let her short, fat figure, lean against her arm.

Now, except for the Yue Zheng children, all the people present have become black question mark faces? ? ?

The same is true for Xiao Dudu, who didn't understand at all, how did the older brother suddenly change his attitude.

However, the elder brother's embrace, hug well.

What she had just said to An An had long been forgotten by her.

She got an inch, and hugged her big brother's waist again, rubbing her face with her small face, "It won't be cold if Dudu holds it. Thank you, big brother, big brother is really nice."

Ok! Such a big brother is just like a real brother.

Bian'an's brother, who can only bully, is much warmer.

"Idiot dumb, you..." An An jumped with anger when she saw this scene.

The calmness and coldness that hung on his face were all broken at this moment.

Xiao Lu Qilin retracted his gaze and stopped looking at him. He only patted Dudu's back and coaxed: "Do Dudu are hungry? Do you want to eat?"

Youyou quickly took over the role of brother.

Of course, he did not forget that his purpose of coming here was to ‘fight for favor’.

Compete for mother's favor.

He doesn't want to call Ma Ma "Aunt Xiao Luo" anymore, he also wants to be like them, and can call her mother in an upright manner.

However, Youyou is sensible.

So sane.

After the initial disappointment and loss of control, he quickly regained control of his emotions.

Don't make mom embarrassed.

Don't make mom sad.

Ma Ma can't recognize him, there must be her difficulties.

Xiao Lu Qilin is so smart and wise, how could he not feel the love his mother has for him when he gets along with him.

Ma Ma did not abandon him.

She has always loved him.

This belief made Xiaoyouyou's battered heart be warmed and nourished again.

He embraced Xiao Dudu and went to the sofa in the main hall.

Tell yourself while walking.

One day, my mother will tell him the truth.

What he has to do is just be ready at any time and wait for her back.

And now, he can start preparing for the role of how to be a good brother.

Thinking of this, Youyou suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and said to An An, "Small, come here too."

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