Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1089: Thousands of words are in the embrace of mother and child (plus 3)

Youyou's dim eyes lit up again little by little.

He opened his mouth and wanted to call out the two ‘mother’. He hadn’t known how many names he had expected in his dream.


The throat seemed to be stuck at this moment.

Children who have always been precocious, when faced with this coveted scene, it is rare that they cannot control themselves.

Youyou opened her mouth, and then opened her mouth again.

The thin lips trembled lightly.

Unexpectedly, the sound could not be emitted from the throat smoothly.

He was so excited.

I'm afraid that once I say something, it will be difficult to control myself and cry out loud.

"Youyou, my mother knows that you may be unacceptable for a while. I'm sorry, but my mother is not good, and my mother has been lying to you."

Xin Luo held him and pressed his little head against his shoulder.

She tried, explaining clearly to Youyou.

"Actually, I am Tang Xinluo, and Tang Xinluo is Yue Xinluo. The situation here is a bit complicated. When your mood stabilizes, I can tell you slowly. In short, my mother left that year and it was really compelling. Mom, no Deliberately want to drop your..."

"Of course, even if the situation is forced, Youyou still have the right to blame her mother. Youyou can hate her, blame her, but... But mother please, don't push your mother away. Mom... Mom has missed you too To grow up much, my mother just wants to be by your side and watch you grow up."

The more Xin Luo said, the more choked.

Tears have already soaked Xiao Youyou's collar.

She held Youyou and almost exhausted all her strength in repentance.

Hearing Youyou in his arms, still did not speak.

Xin Luo's tearful eyes dimmed little by little.

Sure enough, she still couldn't get forgiveness from the baby.

Her Youyou, as expected, still couldn't accept her.

Xinluo regretted a little, she was still too impulsive, and told Youyou the truth hastily, maybe she would push Youyou further.

At least before, she was "Aunt Xiao Luo".

Youyou will like her and act like a baby to her. She can use another identity to accompany Youyou.

But now...

Just when Xin Luo was frustrated, annoyed, and remorse too much.

A childish, childish voice, suddenly muffled, came out of her neck.

"Mom... Youyou, Youyou never blames her mother. Youyou... always believe that she didn't leave."

The little arm finally recovered his strength.

He woke up from shock and ignorance, and tried his best to hug his mother.

Youyou never knew that happiness would come so suddenly.

He thought that when he came back, he was going to compete with the two little ones.

He thought that with them, his mother would no longer look at him.

But now, "Aunt Xiao Luo," who has always refused to recognize her identity, suddenly walked towards him.

She still hugged herself.

tell him.

She is his ‘mother’.

She is him, the real ‘mother’.

"Youyou..." Xin Luo could feel how much effort Xiao Youyou exerted.

He almost tried his best to hug her.

Tears flowed silently.

Xinluo and Youyou held them like this, and the eyes of the two of them were already blurred by tears.

One big and one small, no one talks anymore.

Many things, no need to tell.

Thousands of words are in this embrace.

On the big bed not far away, Dudu watched this scene, suddenly red eyes.

She pulled An'an's little hand, and said happily, "An'an, Dudu is so sad."

An An looked sideways. Is this little girl jealous?

[The author has something to say] There is one more~

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