Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1093: Sister loves brother

"Mummy, what is your life experience?"

Dudu hugged her mother's arm and asked dumbfoundedly.

She had been listening very hard, but the two brothers seemed to understand everything.

Xinluo smiled and took Xiao Dudu into her arms and let her and Youyou lean together.

"Well... the meaning of life experience is the origin of this person's identity. Just like Mommy's life experience, why is it complicated? It's because Mommy's identity and name have changed a lot."

"Actually, a long time ago, Mommy didn't call her now by this name. At the beginning, Mommy was called Tang Xinluo. Later, a family named Gu came to the door..."

Xin Luo slowly told the children what happened in the past.

Change yourself from "Tang Xinluo" to "Gu Rourou".

From "Gu Rourou" to "Yue Xinluo", I told the three children.

"All in all, Mommy’s true identity is the child of the Yue family, which is the Reddington family. Your grandfather and grandmother are the Duke and his wife of Reddington. In addition, you have a real uncle called Yue. Ze."

These are, Dudu and An An know, but Youyou don't know.

So Xin Luo repeated it from beginning to end.

"Oh, by the way, except for this uncle, Mr. Gu Zonghan, the eldest of the Gu family, is also your uncle. Although he is not related to us by blood, in the mother's mind, he is like her mother's brother. You must see him in the future. Show respect for him, you know? As for the rest of the Gu family, keep your distance and ignore it."

"Mummy, what about the Tang family?"

Youyou had the most dealings with the Tang family, and naturally cared about this issue most.

"The Tang family...The most important thing on the Tang family's side is to keep the Tang family's property. That is the painstaking effort left by Mummy's adoptive parents, the Tang family. The rest of the Tang family, Dudu and An An don’t know yet. But Youyou, you should have seen them. Don't worry about those people. To Mommy, they are just strangers."

Needless to say Tang Mi, Xinluo believed that a woman who could even frame her own mother would be retributed in the future.

And the other relatives of the Tang family are nothing more than a group of wise men, so you don't care about it.

"Youyou rest assured, at the Tang family, we only need to take care of the Tang family and let grandpa and grandma comfort him. Gu family, I'm afraid there will be no chance to see you again in the future. As for your grandfather, grandmother, and uncle , Mommy will tell them."

"If they know we recognize each other, they must be very happy. They have long wanted to come back to visit you."

Xinluo hugged Youyou tightly.

She has left since Youyou was six months old. Youyou not only does not have the love of his mother, the love of his grandfather, or the love of his uncle.

His family affection has always been incomplete.

Compared to Dudu and An An, Youyou lost more things.

"Brother Youyou, don't worry, grandfather and grandmother are the best. They will definitely hurt Brother Youyou very much."

Dudu also felt sorry for his brother and leaned his little head on his shoulder.

She has been loved by thousands since she was a child.

Just because there is no father, I always envy other children and feel pitiful and wronged.

But now that she saw Brother Youyou, she knew how squeamish she was.

Although Brother Youyou has a father, he does not have a mother.

He has no grandfather, grandmother, or uncle.

Compared with him, his loneliness is nothing at all.

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