Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1202: People who never wake up and pretend to sleep (plus 4)

"Shen Yi, you explain to me clearly whether what Xinchen said is true!"

Shen Jun put Shen Xinchen in his arms, and roared at Shen Yi in extreme anger.

"Yes, it is true." Shen Yi did not deny it.

The little self-blame he had just raised disappeared at the moment when Shen Xinchen pounced on Shen Jun and Jiang Yunwen to complain.

Almost forgot, he hadn't educated Shen Xinchen.

Every time I finish my mission and go home, talk to her for a long time, and spend time with her, all I get is "I want to play with grandpa" and "I want to go shopping with grandma".

Compared with his parents, Shen Xinchen is closer and more fond of grandparents.

Especially that year, before Shen Yi was promoted to the military.

When Shen Xinchen was out, she only said that she was the great-granddaughter of Mr. Shen, and didn't even want to mention that she was Shen Yi's daughter.


Scenes of the past flashed in his mind, and his daughter was raised crooked.

She is so crooked that she can use her body in exchange for everything she wants.

"Shen Xinchen, I'll give you two choices. The first one is to take my three sticks as a lesson and cut off contact with that so-called Lu Yuchen. You are not allowed to participate in the birthday banquet of the father. If you can do it, from then on, You are still my Shen Yi's daughter. No matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, I Shen Yi will call the shots for you and be your backing."

"The second way, as long as the above are few, nothing can be done. From today, I will no longer care about you. It is your own choice whether it is life or death, blessing or curse."

Shen Yi's voice was calm and powerful, with an unquestionable seriousness and coldness.

Everyone present can hear that he is not joking, he is serious.

"I..." Shen Xinchen was usually arrogant and wanted her to break away from Shen Yi from now on, she couldn't decide for a while.

Shen Yi, Commander Shen, is not an ordinary man, but the second person with real power in the military.

How could she give up such a father?

However, to make her accept the punishment, she could not imagine the pain of three sticks.

What's more, she had to break Lu Yuchen who had finally caught up with her...

Thinking of that man's gentle gaze and the noble and handsome face, Shen Xinchen couldn't let go of his admiration for him.

"Dad... Do you really want to believe that Yue Xinluo's adopted daughter? I am your daughter, and I am. Lu Yuchen and I are both talented and natural. Yue Xinluo is jealous, she is jealous Me, can't..."

"At this time, are you still stubborn? Shen Xinchen, I'll tell you again, Yue Xinluo is Lu Yuchen's wife. They are husband and wife. How long are you obsessed with?"

After all, Shen Yi told Shen Xinchen the truth for his daughter.

He originally thought that after telling Shen Xinchen about the relationship between Xinluo and Lu Yuchen, she would let go and regret it.


Disappointed, so disappointed.

Shen Jun, who was on the side, understood it at this time.

He suddenly got angry and pointed to Shen Yi's nose and cursed: "You are an unfilial thing. After doing it for a long time, you have to make trouble for our family because of an outsider?"

"Bah-what Lu Yuchen's wife is, she is also worthy of being an adopted daughter! Shen Yi, you were deceived by lard and deceived by that little **** Shen Zi! She still hates me and hates me. We are in the Shen family, so I deliberately sent an adopted daughter back to toss our Shen family. I tell you Shen Yi, Xinchen is Lu Yuchen's fiancee, do you see the ring in Xinchen's hand? This is the evidence!"

Shen Jun grabbed Shen Xinchen's left hand and illuminated the brilliant diamond ring.

They really didn't believe it, just as Xin Luo said before leaving.

You can never wake a person who pretends to sleep.

"Well, in this case... Then I don't care. Shen Xinchen, from now on... you... do it for yourself..."

[The author has something to say] The update is complete

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