Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1213: She also has things she wants to stick to

"What did you say..." Lu Yuchen couldn't believe it.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous, bloodthirsty chill flashed under his black eyes.

If it wasn't for the surviving reason, he almost immediately pinched the little woman's slender neck and asked.

"Sorry Yuchen, I know your approach may be the best and most direct... But... I'm sorry, I really can't accept..."

"Why?" Lu Yuchen's voice was hoarse, and finally asked.

"Because...I..." Xin Luo hesitated, she couldn't tell Lu Yuchen the real reason.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and said, "No, I just don't want to."

How can she tell the second personality, because that is the last connection between her and the first personality.

The first personality has fallen asleep, and may never wake up.

The last remaining connection between them is the marriage that was established because of the contract.

She once wanted to get rid of.

She cherishes her now.

I heard Lu Yuchen say that his marriage to him would be replaced by someone else.

There was an unspeakable soreness, which suddenly spread in the bottom of my heart.

Lu Yuchen watched Xin Luo's bright water-like eyes gradually dimmed before closing.

The feeling of anxiety in his heart gradually expanded.

"Lolo, I don't allow you to escape. You must at least tell me why you don't want to marry me!" He clung to her arms and pressed the surging blood in his heart.

Xin Luo was scratched by him and forced to open his eyes.

She frowned and explained: "I don't want to marry you, I just can't accept your method."

"The woman we met at Youyou School, she is pretending to be me. Lu Yuchen, I can't give up for that kind of woman, and I don't want to just let her go..."

Xin Luo couldn't tell the truth, so she could only find a suitable reason.

This is not an excuse, she is indeed not going to let the fake Tang Xinluo go.

"I didn't let you let her go. Of course I will sanction her, but now I just want to talk to you first..."

"Yuchen, I'm sorry... I know that if we don't pursue anything, we can directly terminate your marriage contract with'Tang Xinluo' by means, then remarry you and hold the wedding. This is the most convenient and best way.

"But I don't want to give in like this!" Xin Luo looked back at Lu Yuchen, his eyes firm.

She is unwilling to let go, unwilling to hand over her marriage with the first personality.

If there is no fake Tang Xinluo, she doesn't care.

If there is only one woman who looks a lot like herself and competes with her, she will not even blink her eyelids.

But now, the woman said she was Tang Xinluo.

If he retreats, it means that the bits and pieces between him and the past Lu Yuchen are all handed over.

Even if the first personality Lu Yuchen is no longer there.

Xinluo couldn't help but watch. Another woman became Tang Xinluo, his favorite woman.

She and First Personality, the two of them were once husband and wife.

And now, one has changed its name, and the other is completely asleep and disappears from this world.

If even this marriage is gone.

Then all the memories between them are gone.

"Lolo, I don't want you to give in. I want to marry you, I want to marry you as soon as possible. If I spend it with her, in a short time..."

Lu Yuchen looked at Xin Luo deeply and explained patiently.

He has not much time left.

He wanted to completely own her in the last time.


"I'm sorry, I can't do it." Xinluo bowed his head and looked at the interlocking fingers, "I also have something I want to stick to. Our marriage is what I want to stick to."

Lu Yuchen: "..."

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