Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1220: Waiting to see Shen Xinchen fall to the bottom

"No, it's impossible. Xuan'er, you are obviously Gu Xuan'er..." Jiang Yunwen shouldn't speak at this time, but she still couldn't help but speak.

Although the old man had given Shen Wan an order not to communicate, he still valued the blood of the Shen family very much.

The old man personally sent someone to take Gu Xuan'er back to Shen's house and gave her a family jade card.

It was Jiang Yunwen. Even if the father had ordered her to not communicate with Shen Wan, she had met in private.

She will not admit her mistake, the lovely girl in front of her is clearly her granddaughter Gu Xuan'er.

"Mrs. Shen, you must have misunderstood. She is indeed Han Xuan'er, the long-lost daughter of Marshal Han. Marshal Han has just recently returned to the Han family to recognize her ancestors."

Huo Jingyan's eyes were deep, but the expression in Gu Xuan'er's eyes seemed to show deep love.

Of course he loves Gu Xuan'er, as long as Gu Xuan'er is standing behind her for one day, he will love Gu Xuan'er one more day.

Some time ago, Gu Xuan'er disappeared suddenly, and then suddenly appeared.

Huo Jingyan was worried about her safety, but after seeing herself, she found that Gu Xuan'er was unharmed.

He certainly didn't know that the reason why Gu Xuan'er was unscathed was not because the person who kidnapped her was kind, but because Gu Xuan'er vomited enough private news.

Of course, Gu Xuan'er did not dare to tell the truth.

She only told Huo Jingyan that she was released because she told her kidnapper that her father was Han Li Country.

This reason did not arouse Huo Jingyan's suspicion, and even made him value Gu Xuan'er more.

The three words "Han Li Guo" represent the real power faction in China.

As long as he can marry the daughter of the Han family, with the support of the Han Li country, he can rise to the next level.

In order to achieve his goal, Huo Jingyan specially arranged an ‘accident’.

Han Liguo's vehicle accidentally ran into a **** the way home.

When the girl was in a coma, when she saw Han Liguo getting out of the car with a cold face, she called "Dad" in a daze.

This attracted Han Liguo's attention, because the girl's eyebrows looked like a certain woman in memory.

Immediately afterwards, the girl was taken to the hospital.

Under Huo Jingyan's arrangement, the girl lost too much blood and needed a blood transfusion. The nurse came out to inform the Hanli National Blood Bank that the blood type needed by the girl was just lacking.

When Han Liguo asked, she found that the girl and herself were of the same blood type.

Recalling that before she went into a coma, she called that "dad", and a thought gradually became clear in his mind.

After that, the girl's body slowly recovered, and Han Liguo also did a DNA test in private. It happened that the girl was really his daughter.

And his daughter is Gu Xuan'er.

Of course, all this was done before Han Cangyan had time to inform.

Because of Huo Jingyan's game, it only took a short week for Gu Xuan'er to become Han Xuan'er. And Han Xuan'er became Huo Jingyan's fiancee naturally.

"Father Shen, I wish you a long life and a safe year!" Gu Xuan'er smiled and sent blessings, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes.

Huo Jingyan made a special trip to bring her here, just to let everyone know that the Huo family is now tied to the Han family.

And Gu Xuan'er came here specially to show the Shen family.

She is no longer the former Miss Gu who was not allowed to return to Shen's house.

She is now the daughter of Han Liguo and Huo Jingyan's fiancee.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan'er evoked a provocative smile and looked at Shen Xinchen who was standing next to Mr. Shen.

Humph, the eldest Shen family who used to be aloof.

She Gu Xuan'er waited to see if she knew the truth and fell to the bottom, would she be more unbearable than she was in the past!

Want to marry Lu Yuchen, even her Gu Xuan'er can't get a man, the stupid and ignorant Shen Xinchen is even more unmatched!

[The author has something to say] There are 6 more, continue~

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