Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1226: Lu Yuchen’s surprise, it's time to come (plus 5)

"Dear friends and family, thank you for showing your face to attend my Shen Zhongtian's birthday party."

With the microphone in his hand, Shen Zhongtian stood up, with a full smile on his red face.

After he said some polite words of thanks, the conversation changed.

"However, for the Shen family today, it is a day of double happiness. My great-granddaughter Xinchen and Lu Ye, the head of the Lu family, are in love with each other, and they will be married soon."

Elder Shen said as he motioned for the two to get up, "Take advantage of everyone's presence today, so let everyone be happy and happy with me!"

The old man's meaning couldn't be more obvious. He was not afraid of the Lu Family's rebellion, so he took advantage of this day to implement the marriage between'Lu Yuchen' and Xinchen girl.

Shen Xinchen sat beside Lu Yishen, and the two stood up together.

One is quite extraordinary, the other is dignified and beautiful, it is really a match made in heaven.

Many guests said words of praise and congratulations.

Only Shen Yi only raised his head and lowered his eyes.

Oh, the human heart is not enough.

He no longer wanted to manage the affairs of the Shen family. They wanted to be ashamed and demon, let them go.

At this moment, a sharp exclamation interrupted the lively atmosphere in the banquet hall.

"No, he is not Master Lu!"

Shen Wan suddenly stood up from the second seat and pointed her finger to Lu Yishen, "Grandpa, he is not Master Lu, you were cheated by him!"

"What nonsense!" Unexpectedly, Shen Wan would make trouble at this time. The old man's face was angry. "You just came back from Country M and don't understand anything. Don't be embarrassed here!"

When Shen Jun and Jiang Yunwen saw the old man angry, they desperately winked at Shen Wan.

They did understand why Shen Wan was so upset.

You know that at the beginning, Gu Xuan'er almost married Lu Yuchen. Now that she sees Lu Yuchen suddenly marrying Shen Xinchen, she will of course feel resentful and jealous.

"He really isn't, grandpa, I..."

Mr. Shen has a violent temper. Seeing that people around him started to whisper, even Lu Yishen's face was unhappy, so he would not give Shen Wan a chance to speak.

The old face was broken: "I know what you are jealous of, Shen Wan, put away your thoughts. Xuan'er girl is now the fiancée of the President. Everyone has their own good fortunes. You don't need to be here to fight injustice!"

The old man naturally, like Shen Jun and his wife, thought that Shen Wan was fighting for Gu Xuan'er.

Hmph, if'Lu Yuchen' is true, Xuan'er girl is next to her, why doesn't she speak!

Shen Wan heard the old man's words, only then found Gu Xuan'er sitting at the main table.

She just came in, and was attracted all the attention by the woman who looked like Tang Xinluo, but she didn't find her baby Xuan'er for a while.

Gu Xuan'er quietly gave Shen Wan a wink and motioned her not to continue this topic.

Shen Wan had always listened to Gu Xuan'er, and could only say ‘I’m sorry, I made a mistake’ timidly, and then hesitated to sit down.

As soon as she sat down, Gu Xinheng let out a cold snort next to her.

Shen Wan was not the only one present, and had seen the real Lu Yuchen.

Everyone in the Gu family has seen it.

Gu Zihan dared not speak, but Gu Xinheng dared, but he chose to remain silent.

The Shen family's attitude made him feel humiliated. Arranging him to sit on the second seat but let the counterfeit sit on the main table, of course he would not kindly mention the Shen family.

Only Shen Wan, a stupid woman, would reveal it in public regardless of the time.

"Luo Luo, no wonder you have a good-looking expression. It turned out to be a fake Lu Yuchen. Why, your family is not going to come out to refute the rumors?" Gu Zonghan asked in a low voice next to Xin Luo.

Xinluo listened and smiled brightly, "He asked me to come first, saying he wanted to surprise me... I guess the surprise should almost come."

As soon as the voice fell, the originally brightly lit banquet hall suddenly plunged into darkness.

[The author has something to say] The 9th update is over, the 8th tomorrow night, I will work hard to write quickly! Good night everyone~ (you can vote if you like it?)

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