Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1236: Stupid, how can there be such a stupid person!

Shen Jun and Jiang Yunwen had recovered from their shock at this time.

It was the child who had been in pain for so many years, even if it was Jiang Yunwen, who was so good for Shen Xinchen with a purpose, at this time she could not tolerate the girl who was raised by her being stepped on by a Shen Zi adopted daughter.

"Xinchen is right. Yue Xinluo is indeed just a child adopted by my eldest daughter. She is not qualified to be compared with Xinchen. Master Lu, even if you like her, you can't cooperate in such a field to practice our Xinchen!"

Jiang Yunwen held onto the excited Shen Xinchen, her words were gentle but sharp.

If Yue Xinluo was just an adopted daughter, what Lu Yuchen said just now was indeed too much.

This is still the birthday banquet of Mr. Shen. He publicly stated that the pearl in the hands of the Shen family is not as good as an adopted daughter, which is equivalent to beating the Shen family in the face.

Jiang Yunwen's attitude is still gentle and polite, Shen Jun is not so polite.

"Yes, Lu, let me tell you the truth. Yue Xinluo doesn't have any tutoring at all. Although she is a child adopted by my eldest daughter, I don’t take care of her shortcomings. My eldest daughter is not a filial thing. She adopted it. My daughter still doesn't know what it is! If you really want to associate with our Shen family, Lord Lu, you might as well pursue our Xinchen."

Shen Jun was totally confused about the situation.

I think I have mastered Lu Yuchen's mind, and I think Lu Yuchen and Lu Yishen are fighting against each other and want to get the support of the Shen family.

The best way to get support from the Shen family is friendship.

Since Lu Yuchen wants to have a friendship, why choose an adopted daughter? It would be better not to choose their family Xinchen directly.

After Shen Jun said these words, he suddenly thought of Lu Yishen.

Add another sentence, "But if you want to pursue Xinchen, you have to compete fairly with your brother. After all, Xinchen is the jewel in the hands of our Shen family. As far as the tone of your speech, Master Lu, I, as Xinchen’s grandfather, feel You can't compare to your brother."

Speaking of this, Shen Jun pretended to be a pity and sighed.

That appearance, full of elder posture.


How could there be such a stupid person in the Shen family!

No one can tell that Lu Yishen is an illegitimate child, and Lu Yuchen doesn't like him or even hates him.

Shen Jun actually dared to make his own claim, using brothers to describe the relationship between the two.

No wonder the old man Shen directly passed the only son and cultivated his grandson. It turned out that Shen Jun was so stupid!

The guests who watched the dispute from beginning to end were shocked by Shen Jun's double business.

Many people have decided that if Lu Ye and Shen's family fall out today, they will also follow to alienate Shen's family in the future.

At the very least, he had to wait for Shen Jun's death before contacting the Shen family.

At this time, Shen Jun didn't know the opinions of other people. He was busy with complacency, thinking that he had come out for the Shen family and had a face.

At this moment, Lu Yishen, who had been silent and watching the show, smiled and said.

"It turns out that this is my younger is indeed very beautiful and attractive." His seemingly warm gaze projected on Xin Luo, with a prying scrutiny.

That kind of look made people very uncomfortable, and Xin Luo suddenly felt a chill that was stared at by a poisonous snake.

The big palm that Lu Yuchen placed on her waist slightly tightened and held her tighter.

It also blocked Lu Yishen's peeping eyes.

"Heh, brother, don't be nervous. Although the younger siblings are beautiful, it is hard to be considered as an adopted daughter. If this is your so-called great-grandson-in-law, don't worry, I won't compete with you."

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