Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1698: Sprinkle dog food in public (make up 2)

"Damn... that woman Lu Aitong is absolutely abnormal!"

At the end of the recording, Xinluo clenched his fist and his face was full of anger.

"Hey, it's not worth getting angry for this kind of person..." Lu Ye took the resentful heart Luo into his arms, and cared in a low voice, "You are still pregnant with your baby. If you are stunned, your daughter will not be pretty."

Hearing that it would affect the baby, Xin Luo quickly forced herself to calm down.

Shen Zi shook her head when she saw her daughter's appearance, "When you go to the hospital later, you must remember not to show it. It stands to reason that we don't know the real situation now, and your relationship with Shen Xinchen should also be bad. Remember. Don’t let her efforts go to waste."

Lin Tong and Lu Aitong are smart people. If Xinluo cares too much about Shen Xinchen or exposes what they did to Shen Xinchen on the spot, they will definitely make them doubt.

This is not good, it will waste Shen Xinchen's efforts.

"Well, I see..." Xin Luo nodded dullly.

She is a mother and a pregnant woman. At this moment, she suddenly felt sympathy for Shen Xinchen.

I just hope that her child will be fine...

When the car stopped in front of the hospital, Xin Luo suddenly changed his mind.

"Mom, I still won't go...I'm afraid I will go up to see Lu Aitong and I can't help but slap her on the face. Go see Xinchen, and I will let Yuchen accompany me back first."

Lu Yuchen and Shen Zi actually didn't want Xin Luo to go.

Being too excited will not only make things wrong, but also hurt the child.

After Shen Zi got out of the car, Xin Luo did not go home directly, but asked Lu Yuchen to accompany her to Saidi.

The bug was put in this morning, and it is still working.

She wanted to go over and listen to it in person, afraid that any clues would be missed.

They came to the Reddington Hotel, and Saidi was leading a group of people listening in the hotel suite.

Seeing Xin Luo, Saidi walked over, "Miss, they are divided into three groups, one for real-time monitoring, one for repetitive screening information, and one for converting recordings into written records."

CCID handed over the document in his hand, "This is the transcript that was dubbed this morning, look at it."

Xin Luo took it, and quickly flipped through it. A lot of trivial information just didn't have what she needed.

"The words on this are too small and hurt your eyes." Lu Yuchen took the file from her hand, "Hey, go over there and sit and rest. I'll help you read it."

"But... ah... wait... Lu Yuchen, let me down!"

With so many people watching, most of them are the team that Shen Zi brought from Europe.

Two-thirds of the staff in the room had been seen at the base, and Xin Luo felt that his face was almost ashamed.

She didn't know what it was like to see them spreading dog food in public and the single dogs all over the house.

"Don't let go, it's just right for my husband to hold his wife."

The man tightened his arms and held her higher.

They are all old husbands and old wives, and he just wants to embrace the princess in front of everyone.

Xinluo's face turned red, pink, with the same shyness as when she was a girl.

Can't match his stubbornness, Xin Luo can only nestle in his arms obediently, feel very comfortable after rubbing, and unconsciously embrace his neck.

"Lu Yuchen...You are so kind..." She lay in his arms and said shyly.

Lu Huanting, Lu Yishen, Lu Yuchen... obviously have the same blood, but it happened that she met the only good man among the three fathers and sons.

Compared to Zhuo Yarong and Shen Xinchen, she is really much happier.

Hearing Xiaojiao's wife's confession, Lu Yuchen curled his lips, with a slight smile in his deep eyes.

He just observed that Xin Luo was extremely nervous today, and in order to ease her emotions, he deliberately hugged her in front of everyone.

Sure enough, the little woman is still the same as she used to be. When she gets shy, she will get into his arms.

But this is fine, let her relax temporarily, she is too tired...

Lu Ye sat on the sofa, stretched out his long legs, and put Xin Luo on his lap.

Holding her delicate and soft wife, she fumbled and looked through the documents.

Soon, he discovered the problem...

【carry on】

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