Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 1700: The mother-in-law is showing off (make up 4)

The information that Lu Ye wanted was sent from City B within two hours.

It doesn't matter if you don't check, you only find out after checking.

Sun Ruicheng and Sun Rui are about the same height, about the same age, and even the marks on their bodies are about the same.

There should be a deep tooth mark on Sun Rui's right forearm, which was bitten by Lu Yuchen when he was kidnapped.

According to Lu Yuchen's memory, he almost bit off a piece of meat from Sun Rui's right forearm.

Because of this, he was treated inhumanly by Sun Rui.

It just so happened that in the picture sent by his hand, Sun Ruicheng's right forearm happened to have a tattoo in the same position.

It was a small snake hovering around his forearm. If there was a tooth mark there, it could be blocked.

"We found the master who had tattooed Sun Ruicheng, and he determined that the tattoo on Sun Ruicheng's right arm covered a tooth mark."

Chen Yi's call came from City B and brought important information.

"In addition, we also found that he has a very close relationship with Lu Huanting. As the prime minister, Lu Huanting escorted him in City B. And he provided a lot of financial assistance to Lu Huanting."

"Very well, continue to check Sun Ruicheng's details." Lu Huanting will collude with Sun Ruicheng As early as Lu Yuchen expected, what he wants to know most is the relationship between Sun Ruicheng and Lin Tong.

"Don't just stick to City B, go back and check his past in City A. And his relationship between men and women, this is also the focus."

Hanging up the phone, Xinluo said anxiously: "If Sun Ruicheng is really Sun Rui, then I am 100% sure that Sun Rui and Lin Tong have an ulterior relationship. And Lu Aitong, I dare to pack a ticket now, she is definitely not Lu Huanting's daughter."

Women's instincts are terrible, Xin Luo is now very "sympathetic" to Lu Huanting.

"Yes, we Xiaoluo are very smart, I should have listened to you." Lu Yuchen messed up Xinluo's long hair and didn't doubt it anymore.

"I asked Chen Yi to check. Lu Jiu went to the city where Lin Tong was born in Lu Yishen for several days. There should be news coming back soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Saidi hurried over.

"Miss, something happened to Shen Xinchen..."

Xin Luo stood up in fright, "Hurry up and send someone over, Mommy is there alone..."

"It's not the wife, but the Lu family. The wife beat up Lu Yishen, Lin Tong, and Lu Aitong, and she is now transferring Shen Xinchen to the medical center."

"What?" Xin Luo was taken aback.

Mommy told her not to get excited just now, why she beat up the Lu family by herself.

Lu Yuchen rarely felt a cold back.

This mother-in-law's combat power is really sturdy, if he accidentally makes Xin Luo cry in the future, he still doesn't know how to be dealt with by the mother-in-law...


When Xin Luo and Lu Yuchen rushed to the medical center, Shen Xinchen was already awake and lying in a daze in bed.

Seeing her like this, Xinluo's eyes were dim.

Shen Zi knew what she was thinking when she saw Xinluo, and quickly explained, "Don't think about it, the child is okay... keep it."

"Saved? Great..."

"Yes, the child is saved, it is Xinchen she..." Shen Zi turned sideways and let Xin Luo see clearly, "She was dumb and didn't respond."

Xin Luo frowned, "How did it become like this?"

Before Shen Xinchen fell down the stairs, she was still very stiff.

She is the eldest of the Shen family. Even if she is down, she is still proud.

Shen Zi sighed, "Probably she broke her head when she rolled down the stairs. I was asked to check that there was no blood congestion in her head, but her condition is similar to that of her head. But this is fine, maybe this way you can forget that Lu Yishen gave her Hurt it."

"Lu Yishen... also hurt her?"

Shen Zi nodded, her expression unrelenting: "Yes, that man is an idiot. Lin Tong and Lu Aitong put the blame on Xinchen. Lu Yishen actually believed it, and blamed Xinchen for not taking care of herself. I was so angry at the time. I can't tell the truth, I can only beat the three of them!"

[8 update completed]

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