Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 2056: Old driver God assists


Aunt Zhang walked up to Mrs. Qiao with a lowered eyebrow, and made a mere promise, looking very reluctant, nervous and scared.

Steward Liu followed her and looked at her bitterly, just trying to plug Aunt Zhang's mouth with something.

However, due to Mrs. Joe's presence, she could not do anything.

"Oh, I remember you, you are Aunt Zhang... You are also the old man under the hand of Butler He before. Come on, sit down, sit down quickly, and tell me about the bed sheet you just mentioned outside What's the matter?"

Aunt Zhang sat down in the encouraging eyes of Mrs. Qiao, and said, "Only Mrs. Young..."

Just as she spoke, Aunt Zhang quickly changed her words when Mrs. Qiao's face sank.

"Uh, it's Miss Su Qing's room. The sheets in her room are not enough."

When Jiang Manyun heard this, he said suspiciously: "Well, how come the sheets in her room are not enough? Our Qiao family is not stingy yet, even the sheets are not ready, right?"

"No, no, no, all guest rooms have at least three sets of replacement bedding as required, and there are four sets of replacement bedding in the room where Miss Su Qing lives. There is absolutely no problem of lack of preparation."

As if afraid that Mrs. Qiao would be held accountable, Aunt Zhang quickly explained the situation of the guest room.

But as soon as this was said, Mrs. Joe's brows frowned even more.

"Since Su Qing's room has four sets of bedding, how come the sheets are not enough to change? And just now, I heard Mo Han's name, this matter is still related to the young master?!"

"This...this..." Aunt Zhang was embarrassed, wondering if she should say it.

Madam Qiao felt that Aunt Zhang had the intention of concealing the accident. She immediately calmed her face and said coldly: "Aunt Zhang, Madam, now asks you something. You'd better tell me honestly what you know. I don’t want to ask someone at home. I will waste time asking for a long time."

"Yes, yes, ma'am, let me just say so..."

Aunt Zhang seemed to be shocked by the words threatened by Mrs. Qiao.

Regardless of the suitability of those words, he immediately vomited what he knew.

"Young Master Qiao slept in Miss Su Qing's room every night and didn't leave until dawn. The next day, when we went to clean up the room, not only was the bed linen in the room dirty, but the bathroom was often messy. Yes. ...Sometimes...something falls on the sofa...well...strange things..."

"And not only that, it's fine if it is dirty, but the bed sheet will always be torn. Also...I don't know what happened to the young master...what happened to Miss Su Qing in the room. Anyway, once I I accidentally went in to clean the room, and happened to ran into Miss Su Qing coming out of the bathroom, and it turned out that I saw... See...

Aunt Zhang's old face blushed, and she couldn't say anything for a while.

However, these words made Mrs. Joe anxious.

She opened her eyes wide, even the mouth with the blushing lipstick opened wide, and she didn't notice it.

"What then? What did you see... Why didn't you say it?" Mrs. Joe was anxious, and she wanted to open Aunt Zhang's mouth and let her speak out quickly.


"Oh, don't keep'me me me', just say it...say it!"

At the urging of Mrs. Qiao, Aunt Zhang turned her heart and finally gave it away: "I saw Ms. Su Qing's neck, chest and even her waist. There were bluish hickeys everywhere. One look... Cough... At first glance, it was that Young Master Qiao made too much effort at night and got it out!"

After speaking, Aunt Zhang buried her face down, and there were two strands of blush on her cheeks.

[Today after get off work late, I just wrote a chapter, the next chapter before 18:30]

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