Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 2064: Who wants to see her?

"Miss Su, please." The car stopped outside the main courtyard of the Su family's old house.

Su Qing was forced to get out of the car and looked at this familiar and unfamiliar villa that appeared before her.

Her face sank little by little.

Could it be that it was Su Zheng who tied her back?

But when the Su family has reached the point it is now, Su Zheng is too busy to save herself, so where does his energy tie her?

What's more, Su Qing didn't think that Su Zheng had the ability to get the Qiang branch.

"Miss Su, please... the person who wants to see you is inside." Su Qing stopped and was urged by the black man again.

Seeing that man's hand touched her waist specially, Su Qing knew that it was a warning.

Forget it, now that you are here, go in.

Even Su Zheng—whatever should come should always come.


Su Qing was held back by two black bodyguards and walked into the Su family old house.

I thought that when I entered, I would see the indifferent and critical face of my own father.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped into the porch, he heard Su Zheng's beaming voice coming from inside.

"Polite and polite...Ah, you are so polite, Young Ren... Our family Su Qing can be regarded by a young and promising talent like you. It is really her blessing. Don't worry, your marriage, I promise. Yes...When that girl comes back, I will ask her to divorce Qiao Shao, clean up, and find time to marry into Ren's family."

After Su Zheng's words fell, Ren Xiyuan's low and gentle voice followed.

"I'm relieved with these words from my uncle. But the wedding date has to wait for Xiaoqing to come and negotiate with her. After all, marriage is a big deal, and you can't just deal with it casually."

"Yes, you are saying... Although the girl is a second marriage, you still have your first marriage, so you should really plan it out. But speaking of it, you really feel wronged, Ren Shao... A second-married woman. Ren Shao, in fact, I also have a daughter who looks similar or even more beautiful than Su Qing. Would you like to..."

"Yes, I want you to be a big-headed ghost! Su Zheng, you don't need to worry about my business. Who said I want a divorce, who said I want to marry Ren's family? I never promised, and you have no right to promise for me!"

Before Su Zheng had finished speaking, Su Qing walked in angrily.

She almost heard vomiting blood just outside.

Although every time she meets, her father Su Zheng can make her'impressive'.

She had already known how he was a person who'selled women for glory'.

But after so long, I haven't seen him, and I suddenly heard his shameless remarks today, and I still refreshed Su Qing's three views again without surprise.

"Smelly girl, I'm your father, who allows you to talk to me with this attitude!" Su Zheng frowned when he saw Su Qing who appeared suddenly.

But thinking of Ren Xiyuan sitting next to him, he hurriedly raised his face and made a just and serious look.

"If you want to call your father, or father, how can you call your father directly? It really doesn't have any education at all."

Su Zheng replied unhappily, and hurriedly added to Ren Xiyuan on the side: "Su Qing was brought up by my deceased wife since childhood. My deceased wife was negligent in discipline, so this child is impolite. I hope Ren Shao will not take it seriously. My youngest daughter is different from her. My youngest daughter Jiaojiao was carefully cultivated by my wife and I. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has good self-cultivation. Ren Shao is worse than...

Before he finished speaking, a soft voice came from the stairs.

"Dad, I heard that my sister is back? Where is she? She hasn't been home for many years, I miss her..."

It seemed like Su Jiaojiao, Su Qing's half-sister, came down from upstairs, accompanied by Su Qing's stepmother Deng Meizhen.

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night~ I sent a wrong chapter yesterday and then replaced it, so I published 5 chapters as a welfare yesterday, and 4 today. In addition, the author named Fu, the female partners of the two books are Jiaojiao, Ruan Jiaojiao, Su Jiaojiao, Su Jiaojiao, the name Su Jiaojiao appeared in the text very early, so there is no way to change it, everyone will read it. Right~]

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