Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 2074: A real selling girl seeking glory

"And after I won't offend the Ren family. Because I just left, your back will tell the fool Su Jiaojiao that her sister has escaped from the marriage, and the wedding must be held as scheduled, otherwise it's up to you. The Su family can't afford to blame the family."

"At that time, even if Su Jiaojiao doesn't want to marry, in order to help the Su family tide over the difficulties, the silly girl who trusts you all will put on a wedding dress to replace my sister and marry the Ren family."

Speaking of this, Su Qing's ridicule deepened.

Although she didn't like Su Jiaojiao's closeness because of her previous generation.

But for this, the only sister in Su's family who treats her sincerely and treats her as a relative.

Still embraced, a trace of unbearable heart.

"Deng Meizhen, because Su Jiaojiao trusts you and Su Zheng so much, do you really deserve her by doing this?"

Deng Meizhen didn't expect that Su Qing could fully speculate on her plan with Su Zheng.

Her face changed slightly, "Su Qing, you... don't talk nonsense, how could your father and I..."

"Enough, you two can fool Su Rourou with your botched acting skills. If you lie to me, put it away." She is a director and has seen many actors.

Actresses like Deng Meizhen and Su Zheng who do not care about their skills will only be scolded by her in her crew.

"Ok...well, Su Qing, you are amazing! Yes, all of this was arranged by your father, but what about that? Jiaojiao is our daughter, how could we harm her? We let her marry the Ren family Isn’t that good for her, to give her the inexhaustible glory and wealth for her lifetime?"

"What's more, you just don't want to marry Ren Shao. We do this for a win-win situation, killing two birds with one stone. If you are unwilling to cooperate, then you can wear a wedding dress and wait for Ren Shao to marry you. Hum...Don't blame me for not reminding you. All the celebrities in the city are here for the wedding tonight. If you walk on the red carpet with Shao Ren, you will never want to get the kind of staid family approval from the Qiao family in your life!"

Seeing that Su Qing had guessed it, Deng Meizhen simply had a showdown.

Su Qing knew that Deng Meizhen was not alarmist, all she said was the truth.

The Qiao family caring about face, the old-fashioned family.

If you see her being ‘pressed’ by Ren Xiyuan on the red carpet and appearing in front of everyone, let alone let her marry Qiao Mohan.

It was she who announced her identity and wanted to return to Muer, even if the Qiao family would not agree.

"Okay, as expected, you and Su Zheng are really good at each and Su Zheng are great, not only calculating me, but also Su Rourou. Even being re-elected to Xi Yuan was also calculated by you."

At this moment, Su Qing still does not understand.

If Su Zheng wanted Su Jiaojiao to replace herself from the beginning, then follow Ren Xiyuan's words and'please return' her to Su's house.

Forcing her to marry Ren Xiyuan is just a scene.

It's more than just a play for her.

It's also a play for Ren's family.

As Deng Meizhen said just now, Ren's family has already had a big banquet, and all the celebrities of City A have gathered for the wedding tonight.

At that time, it wasn't just Su Jiaojiao who couldn't leave because of the Su family.

Even if he was re-elected as Xiyuan, he couldn't retire.

The Ren family wanted to marry her and help Ren Hanlei.

But in the end, she had to marry Su Jiaojiao.

After Ren Xiyuan, the proud son of heaven, after the noble family, how could he swallow this breath.

Even if he had a hard time getting off, he married Su Jiaojiao at that time.

I'm afraid that after the event, the anger she received will be cast on Su Jiaojiao.

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