Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 2097: Lolo, I miss you so much

"I can't care about him... he just forgot the past... he... he is a patient... he doesn't raise him, he doesn't raise... he..."

Su Qing's self-comforting words were finally stuck in her throat.

What has forgotten the past, there is no memory.

Whatever he is a patient, he should let him.

These are all nonsense, just excuses.

Regardless of whether she has memory, whether she is sick or not, this is not an excuse for her to forgive Qiao Mohan!

This hateful man, he is totally unintentional!

From when she didn’t want to marry her, she should understand...

This man is just a stone that does not heat up. She has never experienced the affection that Lolo said.

In front of her, Qiao Mohan only hurt her again and again.

Thinking of this, Su Qing's talking eyes turned red.

She no longer wanted to care whether Qiao Mohan lost her memory.

I don't want to worry about whether he can do it without her!

The heart that was deeply hurt by him can no longer heal at this moment.

No matter how much she loves him, no matter how distressed she is, she has self-esteem.

Su Qing glanced deeply at the closed bathroom door, knowing why Qiao Mohan had finished saying that, she went straight into the bathroom.

Just sure, she can't do without him.

In his heart, I was afraid that she was regarded as a woman who was greedy for wealth and loved him until his death.

Su Qing squeezed both hands on the bed sheet and tightened little by little.

After only ten seconds, he no longer hesitated, got up from the bed, picked up the broken skirt on the ground and put it on.

She doesn't care if she goes out like this, if the skirt is broken and the sleeves are ripped apart.

Unable to find the shoes she was wearing when she came, Su Qing simply walked out of the bedroom wearing the hotel slippers.

Where to go...

Go back to the apartment first.

As she thought, she opened the door of the presidential suite, who knew that as soon as she took a step, she saw the woman leaning against the wall, waiting outside the door with a tired face.

Familiar figure, familiar face, such a charming look nourished by love.

Such a beautiful woman.

It's her...Lolo.

"Luo Luo?" Su Qing couldn't help but whispered out. For a moment, she thought that she had hallucinations because she was too sad and helpless.

The woman leaning against the wall, hearing this soft call, instantly raised her head, revealing her slightly raised peach eyes.

"Xiao Qing..." Seeing Su Qing'an coming out safely, Xin Luo suddenly showed joy.

But the next second, when she noticed Su Qing's torn dress and the abrupt slippers on her feet.

And her slightly pale face, her lips were rubbed, red, swollen and somewhat torn.

And the soft apricot eyes were slightly red, and the bottom of the eyes was still shining.

Yue Xinluo's charming peachy eyes sank in an instant.

"Xiao Qing, what's the matter with you... Is it because Qiao Mohan is too ignorant of temperance and bullied you too much? Really, they told him that as long as the effect of the medicine was relieved, he took you in and messed up. ...For a day and a night."

Xin Luo was too tired to wait outside before changing to Lin Sasha and Saidi.

At this moment, after Xinluo had gone to rest and shift work, she didn't know the first round.

Although Redington still has many men who can wait here.

Ke Xinluo worried about Su Qing, as long as she could persist, she always wanted to see Su Qing come out for the first time.

"Xiao Qing, let him eat enough this time, let him eat it, don't allow him to be cheap... It's really bullying, look at your mouth, it's broken..."

Xin Luo didn't know Su Qing's mood, walked over, and gently stretched out her hand to hook up the fallen hair for Su Qing.

But Su Qing, after Xin Luo approached, could no longer hold back the grievance and pain in her heart.

She suddenly stretched out her hand and hugged Xin Luo: "Lolo...Lolo...I miss you so much..."

After finishing speaking, she was as strong as Su Qing, like a child, holding Xin Luo and crying.

[Next chapter before 19:20]

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