Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 2112: He doesn't care about Su Qing

"Difficult?" Qiao Mohan's enchanting eyebrows glowed coldly.

He curled his lips and sneered: "We Joe's has placed one billion advertisements on Weibo every year. If we can't even do this, then we don't need to put advertisements on Weibo."

In the business age, Party A who pays has always been tougher than Party B who takes money.

If Party B dared to offend Party A, there would be no need to do business in the future.

"Okay, go down, I have something to deal with."

After Qiao Mohan finished speaking, without even lifting his eyelids, he sank his face and began to read the documents again.

It's as if the sudden displeasure just now was just an illusion.

Now that the discussion is over, he has become Master Qiao who doesn't care about others' words.

He Zhang has no way, so he can only retreat and deal with it.

He Zhang doesn't know what the common backing of this hot search topic, the paparazzi behind the scenes, and even the hyped navy is.

That was the Chairman of the Grand Palace Group, which was arranged by Lu Yuchen himself.

For the sake of his little wife, Lu Ye had already sold his brother.

It's a pity that Qiao Mohan was completely kept in the dark, and even called to complain to Lu Ye after the divorce.


Besides, when He Zhang retired, Qiao Mohan didn't ‘focus on work’ as he said.

Instead, I turned on the computer screen again and reopened the Weibo page that I just closed.

Just now in front of He Zhang, some things weren't examined carefully.

And now, when Shao Qiao opened the gossip he had just watched again.

But the photos published on it hurt my eyes.

There are photos of Su Qing and the mysterious rich man named Li in S country, having dinner together, and returning to the Reddington Hotel together after dinner.

In the photo, Su Qing and the rich surnamed Li behave intimately, and they do not avoid suspicion when they enter and leave the hotel together.

"Heh, it turned out to be Li Junxi... I know that Su Qing, a woman who is not going to rest, can even hook up with a man from the Li family of the dignified S country. She is really capable."

Looking at the photo, Qiao Mohan, who recognized the man's identity at a glance, narrowed the evil peach eyes.

He knew that the man in the photo was the youngest brother of Li Junyu, the top leader of the Li family in the country.

Li Junyu can be regarded as Lu Yuchen's benefactor, or Bole.

Had it not been for him, Lu Yuchen would not have greatly increased his strength through the opportunity of joining forces with Junyu Hotel when he was a teenager.

It is also impossible for Lu Huanting to gain the upper hand when Lu Huanting returns to **** the position of Patriarch after Father Lu died.

Many years later, when Lu Yuchen married Yue Xinluo, he discovered that Yue Xinluo was also related to Li Junyu.

She is Li Junyu's cousin.

In this way, the relationship between the two families is even more pro-superior.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mohan looked at the photo again, the man who was about the same age as Su Qing-Li Junxi.

Those cold eyes couldn't help getting deeper.

I heard that Li Junxi is still single.

And Su Qing happened to be too.

Although Qiao Mohan didn't think that the noble son of the Li family would marry a divorced woman.


Thinking of the relative relationship between Li Junxi and Yue Xinluo, Qiao Mohan felt a kind of almost lost anxiety in his heart.

Oh, he must be crazy to feel uneasy.

He didn't care about Su Qing at all, he didn't care what she wanted.

But she said she didn't care, but she saw Su Qing interacting with other men, and she even laughed and revealed two lovely pears, as if they were talking happily.

He would still feel that it was an eyesore.


Damn woman...

There are not only the Li Junxi of the S country, but also the nobles of Europe, the top wealthy of the M country, and even the Yi Nanfeng who has been rumored with Su Qing!

Thinking of this, Qiao Mohan's well-knotted fingers slowly tightened little by little.

【Next chapter before 18:35】

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