Song Xiulan stood up with a bang, pointed at Tang Ruolan who was opposite her and cursed.

"Tang, you are too arrogant! Don't think that Tang Xinluo is born in your family, and you will be able to squeeze your nose from now on! I tell you, I am Yuchen's aunt, in front of Yuchen, I will always be better than you Tang family, the relationship is closer!"

Song Xiulan suddenly took the scene and attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

No one thought that this kind of dispute could happen at the Lu family's banquet.

Tang Ruolan was also taken aback.

She is accustomed to mocking and taunting, speaking at the same time.

Just like just now, the needle is hidden in Mianli, every word is heart-warming.

But let her be like this, on such an occasion, surrounded by celebrities and powerful people, and Zhuo Mingfu is sitting beside her.

It is absolutely impossible for her to be like Song Xiulan, being a curse.

Just as she was stunned in the moment, there was a sudden sound of abuse beside her, even more sturdy than Song Xiulan.

I saw the old lady of Tang Wang Chunfang, patted the table and stood up.

"You are talking nonsense! We came here at the invitation of Mrs. Lu, and it has nothing to do with Tang Xinluo's money-losing gangster! I tell you, our Tang family and Tang Xinluo's unfilial girl have long cut off contact! You just want to scold her! Scold, don't confuse us with her money-losing goods!"

Old lady Tang hated Tang Xinluo who ‘snatched’ the Tang family.

"Heh, it's so ridiculous...If it wasn't because of Tang Xinluo, just because the three of you have the ability to sit here?" Song Xiulan almost laughed out of anger when Mrs. Tang said.

She was completely confused. She didn't know the Tang family at all. She really didn't know that Tang Xinluo had married Lu Yuchen.

When they said they could come, they were invited by Mrs. Lu.

Naturally, he took this ‘Mrs. Lu’ as Zhuo Yarong.

Zhuo Yarong is Tang Xinluo's mother-in-law, and there is nothing wrong with her invitation.

Hearing the Tang family, mentioned Zhuo Yarong.

Song Xiulan couldn't help thinking of her recent situation.

She was coldly received by Zhuo Yarong, and even the Zhuo family did not wait to see her.

But these Tang family members took advantage of this opportunity to flatter Zhuo Yarong on the pole.

For a time, the imbalance in my heart became more turbulent.

Just about to say a few more words to the other party, Zhuo Mingfu, who had been sitting without speaking, curled his fingers and tapped the table.

"Well, don't you think it's embarrassing enough? Sit down for me."

"Uncle..." Song Xiulan did not expect Zhuo Mingfu to speak at this moment.

When Tang Ruolan cursed her, she didn't see her uncle speak.

"I said sit down, did you hear that?" Zhuo Mingfu's entire face collapsed, and his dark gaze fell on Song Xiulan's face.

Song Xiulan was stared at by Zhuo Mingfu and suddenly lost her temper.

She shrank her neck and sat down aggrieved.

Zhuo Mingjin beside her sneered after she sat down.

Humph, this Song Xiulan is always so self-conscious and likes to cause trouble.

If it were not for the sake of his children, he would have wanted to divorce her a long time ago.

Zhuo Ming, Fu, after training Song Xiulan, looked at the old lady Tang again, but he looked gentle, "Well, it's my family, so don't be angry with the old lady. Sit down and the dinner will begin soon."

Hearing the words ‘my family’, Mrs. Tang and Tang Ruolan looked at each other and immediately became excited.

Mrs. Tang was happy and sat back.

Tang Ruolan was constantly planning how to continue to catch Zhuo Mingfu after the banquet was over.

Obviously, the other party should have that meaning to her.

Otherwise, in such a public place.

How could he not help his younger siblings.

Instead, he turned his head around and helped them a few outsiders?

[The author has something to say] The editor temporarily notified me that after changing the update time to 12 o'clock in the evening, starting today, the update time will be after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night~~ (Less stay up late, you can watch the next day!) Sunday One more~

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