Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 481: Is the baby still there?

"Onlylove?" Lu Yuchen's face showed a cold mockery.

"Tang Xinluo, should I say that you are too naive, or should I say that you are too stupid? My only love is Xuan'er... You are not worthy at all."

"Xuan'er..." Tang Xinluo looked at him blankly, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Yes, it's her, Xuan'er..."

Lu Yuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly changed the direction of the woman he was holding.

"She is Xuan'er, my true beloved woman."

The woman's face finally appeared.

The pale faces, eye sockets, nose, and mouth corners were constantly bleeding out.

Tang Xinluo was taken aback by the appearance she suddenly showed.

Horror and fear swept from the internal organs.

She wanted to scream, but she couldn't scream.

Lu Yuchen hugged the woman, getting closer.

", is Xuan'er beautiful?"

"No, no, don't come over..."

She retreated hurriedly until she reached the corner, unable to retreat...

"Don't... don't come, don't come!"

"Ah—" Tang Xinluo suddenly yelled and woke up from the nightmare.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, have you had a nightmare? Don't worry, dreams are fake, don't be afraid." A foreign woman she had never seen before approached with concern.

"How is it, is there anything uncomfortable?"

She looked like a doctor, wearing a white lab coat, and was feeling around on her body.

"Who are you... why am I here...?" Tang Xinluo thought of getting up.

As a result, he felt his body softened just as he braced a little, and fell back on the bed.

"Who made you move... lie down for me."

"I... how could I be so weak..."

"You have been in a coma for several days. You rely on nutrition injections. Of course, you will feel weak. You can lie down and let me check it."

Hearing the doctor's words, Tang Xinluo suddenly subconsciously touched his lower abdomen.

Diana saw her behavior and smiled soothingly, "Don't worry, with me, Diana, your baby is fine."

Tang Xinluo finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her words.

Great, baby is fine...

No, it's not right.

Her baby...

All the memories before the coma came back to my mind again.

Tang Xinluo thought of the origin of this baby.

And that terrible dream.

She still remembered the information Qiao Yinyin accidentally revealed.

That woman named Gu Xuan'er.

The woman who has Lu Yuchen's sincerity.

She had a heart attack and was forced to separate from Lu Yuchen because of her poor health.

Tang Xinluo remembered the situation when she and Lu Yuchen signed a divorce agreement.

At that time, they had just met and she cooperated with him in order to revive the Tang family.

And Lu Yuchen helped her so much, the only condition was only one thing.

That is, marry him.

Moreover, the agreement is clearly written, and the wedding period is one year.

It's a pity that afterwards, she blamed herself for getting too deep and completely forgot that agreement.

She thought that Lu Yuchen loved her, so she didn't hesitate to hesitate and gave him the whole heart.

Until the banquet, when he announced his identity in public, she actually stupidly thought that the two of them would go through their lives happily.

Until outside the lounge, I heard everything.

She just knew.

She was the only one who had forgotten that agreement.

Lu Yuchen hasn't forgotten, he still remembers.

I always remember that woman named Gu Xuan'er.

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