Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 484: She wants to divorce Lu Yuchen!

"This man is so scheming. You must not stay with him! You must divorce him... Definitely!"

Tang Xinluo shook his head and said helplessly, "Useless Diana, he is powerful and powerful. He won't agree until I give birth to the child..."

"That will leave too!" Diana patted the bed angrily.

"Does this kind of man still keep the New Year without divorce? And, even in the end, you die and don't sign that agreement. People like them will definitely find a way to **** the child away. Do you want your son to be called Other women's mothers?"

No, of course she doesn't want to...

"Diana, you are right, I must divorce!" Tang Xinluo's eyes were firmer than ever, "There must be a way, there must be...let me think about..."

"Hmm..." Just as she wanted to think hard, there was a throbbing pain in her head.

"Oh, don't worry first. Although the blood clot in the back of your head does not compress your nerves, it is actually traumatized. Don't worry, don't worry about this kind of thing. Think slowly, don't hurt your body again."

Diana looked at the poor man nervously.

She almost forgot that Tang Xinluo was still a patient.

At this time, she should be recuperating, how can she worry about it.

"Wait, Diana--" Tang Xinluo took her hand suddenly, "You said, the blood clot behind my head will not get rid of for a while, will it?"

Diana thought she was worried, and comforted: "Don't worry, although it won't be eliminated for a while, it will not have a big impact on you and your baby."

"No... I'm not worried about this. Diana, there is something... Please help me! As long as you help me, I will have a chance to divorce him!"


After Yue Ze received Tang Xinluo's news, he immediately notified Lu Yuchen.

In fact, Yueze himself couldn't figure out why he would do this.

He thought he would hide the news, but he couldn't bear it.

In the past few days, he has seen Lu Yuchen on the verge of collapse.

The man who was about to collapse, because he firmly believed that Tang Xinluo was still alive, he was still holding on, dealing with everything related to Tang Xinluo.

Seeing Lu Yuchen like this, Yue Ze had to admit.

No matter how cold the heart is, I don't realize it will be touched by his intention.

"Lu Yuchen, I have something to tell you."

"Except for things related to Xin Luo, now, I don't want to hear any news." Lu Yuchen has returned from the hospital.

However, his face still looks bleak and terrible.

"Then you need to listen even more." Yue Ze's dark blue eyes flashed, "What I brought is news related to Xin Luo."

Lu Yuchen, who was still bowing his head, suddenly raised his eyes.

"Xin Luo is still alive... She was rescued by my men and is now in the hospital."

"You..." Lu Yuchen stood up suddenly, "Are you serious?!"

"of course."

A trace of uncontrollable joy passed through his eyes.

He knew that his Xiao Luo was not dead.

He knew that she would not leave him alone, she was reluctant to leave him.

With his thin lips trembling, he couldn't hide his excitement and said, "Where is Xiao Luo, I will pass now."

"Wait a minute--" Yue Ze suddenly stretched out his hand, blocking his way.

Lu Yuchen coldly swept toward the man who blocked him, "Yueze, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything." Yue Ze said lightly, "I just want to remind you of one thing."

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