I saw a little woman lying on a hospital bed with a pale face.

Lu Yuchen just felt that his heart throbbed.

He stared blankly at the little woman who fell into a coma.

Looking at her hands and body, there are pipes everywhere.

Such fragility...

It seems that at any time, signs of life will be lost.

"Xiao Luo..."

Lu Yuchen "poofed" before he knelt before the bed in public.

He firmly held his hands, Tang Xinluo's weak little hands.

He buried his face in the palm of her hand.

"Baby, I'm sorry... I didn't protect you, Xiao Luo..."

The man groaned slightly, hoarse and melancholy.

Xiao Luo's hands were so cold.

He felt her weak body temperature, and he felt that the whole breathing was about to stop.

Seeing this scene, the air in the entire ward froze.

Several male doctors looked at such an infatuated man and couldn't help but bow their heads and sigh.

There was only one female doctor standing in the corner with a look of contempt.

Hmph, no wonder Tang Xinluo was deceived by him, she is really good acting!

Lu Yuchen rarely reveals his emotions in front of outsiders.

But suddenly I saw Tang Xinluo, who was pale and unconscious.

All the emotions in his heart are like the tide of a bank bursting out.

After a while, his mood finally calmed down.

Standing up again, Lu Yuchen at this time had returned to his usual coolness and seriousness.

"Doctor, how is my wife's condition?"

Tang Xinluo looked bad and was still in a coma.

Lu Yuchen asked Yue Ze on the way, knowing that Tang Xinluo was rescued and found that he had hurt the back of his head.

The No. 1 Hospital of City is the authority on the brain department of City A, and see so many doctors here to consult.

There was a bad premonition in his heart.

"Sir, there is a congestion in the patient's skull. The reason why he still hasn't woken up is because the blood pressure of the congestion forced the patient's brain nerves. We are not sure when we will wake up. Generally speaking, this kind of thing It depends on the patient’s own physical condition."

"You mean...my wife will become a vegetative?" Lu Yuchen almost couldn't accept this fact, and his face that had just improved, paled again.

"That's not necessarily true. Don't worry too much, sir. The bruises may dissipate at any time, and..." The doctor in charge, taking advantage of Lu Yuchen's loss of mind, gave his junior sister a displeased look.

Diana was really a pit, so she tried to trouble him.

"Moreover, the patient is still pregnant with a baby. Mother is strong. The patient's willpower should not be weak. As long as the patient does not lose the will to survive, the chance of recovery will be greater than that of ordinary people."

Diana's brother, had no choice but to talk nonsense.

"That's right, kid..." Only then did Lu Yuchen think of the kid in Tang Xinluo's stomach.

His mind was completely placed on Tang Xinluo.

Hearing her news, the whole person was in a trance of loss and recovery.

After seeing her, he only cared about whether she would be okay.

The child has long been thrown out of the sky by him.

"How is the child?"

"Don't worry, the child is fine and there is nothing wrong with it. The pregnant woman only suffered a head injury and there is no danger in her stomach.

Hearing this news, Lu Yuchen's face did not show a relieved expression as Diana thought.

On the contrary, his slightly solemn sword eyebrows wrinkled even tighter.

Lu Yuchen turned around, looked at the little woman on the bed, and carefully held her little hand.

"Xiao Luo...hurry up and get better...you must get better soon, my baby and I will wait for you together..."

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