Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 505: It's going to show off!

Lu Yuchen, little by little, approached the sleeping little woman on the bed.

Tang Xinluo slept deeply.

Even though he was lying halfway beside her, he was still unconscious.

Lu Yuchen couldn't help frowning.

Such a lack of vigilance, what would she do if she really got into the wrongdoer?

Sure enough, this careless little woman shouldn't move out by herself.

Only sleeping with himself once can make him feel at ease.

He didn't think about it if Tang Xinluo was awake at this time.

Will you mock him with her lips curled?

He who has a bad heart, hey, he is.

Lu Yuchen lay down beside Tang Xinluo for a while.

He had just thought that sneaking into the room, sleeping next to his wife, and being able to look at her, he was already satisfied.

But he obviously underestimated the attractiveness of little women to him.

But lying on her side, feeling her existence, made him feel unbelievable beautiful thoughts in his heart.

Anyway, it is his wife who hugs more and Xiao Luo will get used to it.

Thinking about this, Lu Yuchen took up a quilt without hesitation.

Big palm, poke into the quilt.

Soon, a familiar and soft touch came from the bottom of his hand.

I felt that the little woman under her body was not awakened.

The big palm couldn't help it, slowly moving up.

Soon, Lu Yuchen's breathing became hot.


Tang Xinluo slept soundly, but always felt something was wrong with him.

Either I felt itchy on my waist or something swept across my legs.

With heavy eyelids, she really didn't want to wake up, so she moved a little.

But that strange feeling has not alleviated at all.

Instead, there is a growing trend.

Half asleep, she pushed aside impatiently.

Suddenly, I felt something wrong with the touch.

Tight and powerful muscles with a little elasticity.

Well, it seems to be a man's pectoral muscle...

Chest muscles! ?

Tang Xinluo opened his eyes suddenly.

In the dark bedroom, it seems that a black outline is lying beside him.


Tang Xinluo screamed and gave a sudden push to the dark shadow.

It's a pity that the man didn't even move.

The next second, the tall black shadow suddenly pressed towards her.

He avoided her belly, and embraced her petite body with his big palm.

"Xiao Luo, don't be afraid... it's me." The man's familiar voice sounded in the dark.

Between her sniffles, he was full of familiar breaths.

"You, let go -" Tang Xinluo pushed him away vigorously, "Why are you not afraid of me? It is you and me that are even more afraid!"

Tang Xinluo avoided his contact and pulled up the quilt to wrap himself.

"Lu Yuchen, who let you in... You are a dignified Lu Family Patriarch, how can you clean up this kind of rogue thing!"

She was anxious for a while, and before she could stop her mouth, she almost said something revealing.

Tang Xinluo realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly changed the subject, "You said, how did you come in? Did the outside bodyguard let you in? You go... Take them away with me, I don’t want your people. Followed!"

But how could a person like Lu Yuchen be fooled by Tang Xinluo's words.

In the darkness, his breathing suddenly became heavy.

After Tang Xinluo lost his temper in a desperate manner, he didn't answer the conversation. Instead, he looked at the woman shrunk in the blanket.

"Tang Xinluo..." Lu Yuchen spoke suddenly after a long time.

In his deep black eyes, there is an unprecedented chill.

"You'd better explain to me what is meant by ‘cleaning up this kind of rogue thing’? How do you know that I have done such a thing in the past."

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