Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 509: Red rose meets white lotus (2)

Tang Xinluo waited in the office for a while.

After nearly an hour, it was strange that the Diana hadn't waited.

Diana is the chief physician here. Unless she is an important person in the group, there are very few patients who need her to take over.

Listening to the assistant who came to call her just now, she just asked her to sign and accept the patient and make arrangements.

In the past, such a thing would come back in ten minutes at most.

This time, why have you been there for so long?

Tang Xinluo was about to go out and ask questions. The assistant who came to call Diana just now came back again.

"Miss Tang, said, please come over."

Tang Xinluo stood up, followed the assistant out, and asked suspiciously, "Do you know what Diana asked me to do?"

She thought that something was wrong with the baby.

"Uh..." The other party paused, "This, the head said, let you go over with me."

Tang Xinluo felt more and more suspicious.

Just about to ask a few more questions, I heard the other person say, "Miss Tang, it's... it's inside, please go in."

When the assistant finished speaking, he opened the door.

Diana inside the door found her and immediately lowered her voice and waved, "Xin Luo...come, come on!"

Upon seeing this, Tang Xinluo frowned and walked into the room.

As a result, as soon as the front foot entered, and the back foot, the assistant outside the door quickly closed the door.

"Xinluo, come here, come here—"

Tang Xinluo felt that something was wrong with Diana, and the assistant outside was also very mysterious.

She approached and asked puzzledly: "Diana, what happened? Why are you all mysterious..."

"This is the archives room. There are cameras from the headquarters inside and outside the room. I let people black out this place for five minutes. Come and look at it. This is Gu Xuan'er's details."

The computer screen in front of Diana completely displayed Gu Xuan'er's basic body data.

Diana pointed to the above indicators with excitement and explained to her.

"Look, these are the data of her past medical conditions. Before her heart exchange surgery, all the physical indicators were not up to standard. I'm sure it is 100% impossible for her to have any close contact with your husband."

"And this, this is her physical data after the heart exchange surgery. Although it is better than before the heart exchange, but you see... her hormone level is not enough, it is impossible to have the ability to conceive offspring. And this, she This heart is simply not enough to maintain her vitality."

"So, I dare to affirm from my experience that she can only live to 32 years old at most. Unless, she can find a new matching heart instead."

After listening to Diana's words, Tang Xinluo didn't seem to be as happy as Diana thought.

On the contrary, she listened very calmly, and then asked calmly, "Diana, I know you are helping me, for my good. But I think you probably still don’t understand why I came here with Lu Yuchen. step."

She didn't know where Diana got these detailed reports on Gu Xuan'er.

However, she knew very clearly.

The problem between myself and Lu Yuchen, in fact, didn't care about Xuan'er.

"The reason why he and I became like this is simply because he failed my trust. I used to love him unreservedly and believe whatever he said or did. But ...After that night, I think, all these trusts have disappeared."

"So Diana, thank you for helping me, but... everything about this Gu Xuan'er, I don't think I need to know anymore."

[The author has something to say] See you in the next chapter, and there is one more~

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