Tang Xinluo has been bored at home for five days after returning home from Bai Yu's lawyer's office.

Let her approach Lu Yuchen again, let her exercise Mrs. Lu's rights and stimulate Gu Xuan'er... No, she felt that she couldn't do it.

She has no ability to accept another man who has betrayed her.

Because of inner resistance, what Bai Yu confessed to her has been dragged by her.

As a result, before Tang Xinluo was mentally prepared, Su Qing took Lin Qian and made a special trip to Tang's house to find her.

"Xin Luo, we must win this movie this time!" Su Qing is now fully signed under the Tang family.

Can be regarded as Tang's queen director.

"Yes, Director Su is right. This movie is a collaboration with the largest foreign distributor, Witton Group. They have 70 foreign theater resources. As long as we negotiate this contract, Down’s financial statements for the next year will definitely It will increase more than ten times. Xin Luo, this is a great opportunity for Tang to stand up!"

Just filming TV series, although attracting fans and making money, compared with the company's long-term development, there is absolutely no greater benefit from movies.

What's more, any entertainment company that wants to stand firm in the industry must have a film industry.

Tang’s domestic film resources have been eroded by other entertainment companies in the last trough.

Today, although it is possible to obtain some domestic theater resources through the cooperation with the Qiao family.

However, if we can win the cooperation with foreign theaters this time and establish long-term cooperation, it will definitely benefit the Tang family.

Su Qing has recently been working overtime to shoot the movie "The Story of a Concubine Beloved".

After the filming was over, she was ready to shoot this "Legend of Killing".

"Xinluo, I can talk to Qiao Mohan for the domestic theater resources." Su Qing looked at Tang Xinluo, deliberately hiding the deep meaning of her eyes.

"But you can only talk about cooperation with foreign companies. Now that Lin Qian and I have inquired about the situation, after knowing that they are going to enter the Chinese market and expand their business here, many companies have already talked to them. It's a matter of cooperation. This matter... If we are slow and get the first opportunity by other companies, then Down's situation will be more difficult than it is now."

Tang Xinluo nodded, "I know, Xiaoqing, don't worry. The domestic pattern has been fixed, and Witton Group's entry into the Chinese market at this time is a good opportunity for us to open up the situation."

"Sister Qian, you keep these materials, I will look at it later. The person in charge of the Witton Group, please help me to contact me and see if I can meet him as soon as possible."

Hearing Tang Xinluo's no doubt that he agreed, Su Qing and Lin Qian quickly looked at each other.

After chatting with Tang Xinluo for a while, the two left together.

After walking out of Tang's house, Su Qing let out a long sigh of relief.

"Sister Qian, I was really afraid that Xinluo would not agree just now. She is four months pregnant now. If she pushes to leave this to us, I don't know how to persuade her."

Lin Qian smiled, "No, Xin Luo values ​​the Tang family the most. She knows the importance of such cooperation with a large group. If we let us talk, she is afraid that the other party will feel neglected and rejected the Tang family. "

"Puff--" Su Qing couldn't help but laugh, "We are doing a good thing like this. When Xin Luo goes there, she will know the person in charge of the Witton Group, she will naturally know that our intentions are good. bitter."

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