Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 519: Change strategy, coax wife (5)

"Well, you let me go... Lu Yuchen, you... first explain what you said just now!" Tang Xinluo finally recovered from the shock just now.

"Don't let go." His voice was deep, hoarse and sexy.

"I said, you are my wife and will never let you go forever."

Since the tricks taught by Qiao Mohan were useful, he decided to stick to it.

Even after kissing someone, she still tightly circled her with both arms.

Keep the closest distance to the little woman in your arms.

Tang Xinluo was so irritated by his tactics and extremely rascal, he was almost internally injured.

But this man is a lot taller than himself, and he has long hands and feet. He really wants to keep her in his arms. She really has no temper.

Tang Xinluo could only step back and try to sit on the table as far as he could, keeping a distance from him.

As he withdrew, he watched him vigilantly, "If you don't let go, then tell me what you just said. You said that the Witton Group is mine, Lu Yuchen... Don't tell me, you bought Witton. Group, changed hands and passed under my name!?"

She was anxious to get away from him, and didn't want to accept his things at all.

"Xiao Luo is really smart!"

Tang Xinluo was obviously angry, but Lu Yuchen pretended not to understand. Instead, she squeezed her little nose affectionately and said, "It's a matter of course for my husband to give a gift to my wife. How about it? I like what my husband gives you A gift?"

"Hehe... I'm sorry, I don't like it. And, I said many times, I am not your wife, I don't remember anything, who knows if you lied to me?!"

"Xiao Luo is disobedient again. If you don't remember anything, then tell me why do you remember Secretary Zhang? Or you knew her before marrying me, eh?"

Before marrying him, Tang Xinluo certainly didn't know Zhang Li, and had never seen him.

"I... I certainly don't know. But who said I remember her, it's the first time I saw her today!"

"Really, Xiao Luo told her husband, why did you call her Secretary Zhang just now? It turns out that Xiao Luo in my family is so bad, injured and amnesia, as well as past memories."

"That's because, I...I listened to what she said." Tang Xinluo bite the bullet and argued.

In fact, she can't remember at all, whether Secretary Zhang had introduced herself when she saw her just now.

"Little idiot..." Lu Yuchen saw through at a glance, her Xiao Luo was panicking, lying, and rubbed her face involuntarily, "I can't even lie, I can see through it at a glance. You say... You are so cute, if there is no protection from your husband, how can I rest assured?"

"Tell you... Secretary Zhang never mentioned her name from beginning to end. I greeted her in advance, Xiao Luo, this is my way to test you. Even with Secretary Zhang, You didn't say that you missed your mouth, I have many other ways to test you. So, don't want to lie to me, we reconcile and stop arguing with me, okay?"

Lu Yuchen slowly leaned over and hugged her in his arms.

He tried to soften his hug as much as possible, and also softened the volume of speech as much as possible, but the trembling breathing revealed the anxiety and anxiety in his heart.

He was very scared, Xiao Luo would refuse.

How he hoped that his Xiao Luo could hug him back.

Then warmly, leaning in his arms, gently spit out a "good".

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