Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 523: Tang Xinluo, thoroughly figured it out (1)

Seeing Lu Yuchen's face solemn, Tang Xinluo did not continue to explain.

Her face also darkened.

"Since you have nothing to say, that's it for today. Lord Lu, excuse me." Tang Xinluo stepped back from his arms with a cold face, stood up, and was about to leave.

Lu Yuchen knew that she should be stopped.

If you let Xin Luo leave from here.

From then on, between them, I am afraid it will really end.

However, he really couldn't tell her the truth about that person.

He closed his eyes dejectedly and bowed his head.

Lu Yuchen forced himself not to see her.

Tang Xinluo turned around pretentiously, but his eyes dazzled, but he had been paying attention to Lu Yuchen's actions.

Seeing him still sitting on the sofa with his head down, he couldn't see his expression.

Her heart couldn't help but sinking bit by bit.

Lu Yuchen, she has already given him a chance.

But he...

Tang Xinluo walked out the door silently, until she left, Lu Yuchen still sat where she was.

Move, not move.


After returning, Tang Xinluo thought for a long time.

Finally realized that some of the problems she had completely ignored before.

the next day.

She generously called Su Qing and Qiao Yinyin and asked them to come to Tang's house.

After the two arrived, Tang Xinluo invited them into the study.

Su Qing and Qiao Yinyin saw her look nervous, they thought something major had happened, and looked at her worriedly.

Who knows, after they all sat down, Tang Xinluo suddenly stood up.

"Xiao Qing, Yin Yin, I'm sorry..." She bowed deeply to the two of them.

"Eh, Xinluo, what are you doing?"

"Yeah, what the **** happened, why are you doing this!"

Su Qing and Qiao Yinyin were so frightened that they bounced off the sofa, and they went up to support her one by one.

"Sorry, I lied to you... My amnesia is fake, everything is pretended by me."

Su Qing's heart was always worried about her disappearance and amnesia.

Tang Xinluo knew that Su Qing was terrified for her these days.

It wasn't until she was recovered safely that she felt relieved and went back to film.

And Qiao Yinyin, not to mention.

She even felt guilty for a while, thinking that she had harmed herself.

"Xinluo, what are you talking about? Why do you pretend to have amnesia..." Su Qing has always known that Tang Xinluo is a simple-minded person.

Pretend to amnesia? !

If it was someone else, she would believe it.

But Xin Luo, she would never do such a thing.


"Xinluo, tell me, did something happen when you were kidnapped? Did you feel wronged? If you have any problems, just say. Don't worry, I will always be on your side!"

Tang Xinluo's heart was warmed by Su Qing's words.

Xiaoqing, no matter what happens, it will always be like this, standing beside her without hesitation.

"Xiao are so good!" Her eyes flushed, and she suddenly hugged Su Qing.

She is really, so wronged... There are so many wrongs.

Qiao Yinyin looked at Tang Xinluo, who hugged Su Qing and sobbed.

I suddenly realized something in my mind.

Tang Xinluo like this is so similar to the woman crying in the garden that night at the banquet.

At that time, she was immersed in her thoughts of helping Gu Xuan'er match the bridge.

Instead, he didn't notice Tang Xinluo's abnormality.

Looking back now, there was indeed something wrong with Tang Xinluo that night.

"Sister Xinluo..." Qiao Yinyin approached Tang Xinluo timidly, stretched out her hand and pulled at her sleeve.

"I'm sorry, I think, I probably guessed the reason why you pretended to have amnesia. Is it because... I told you about Sister Xuan'er, which stimulated you?"

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