"Um... Xin Luo, Lu Yuchen said, this period of time allows you to raise your fetus with peace of mind and rest... Then, he will come to see you again when he is free."

"Come and see me again when you have time?"

She really didn't understand why a man who was still nervous when I saw her just now would say such things.

"Xiao Qing, are you hiding something from me?"

"No, really not..."

"Yes, sister-in-law, Yuchen just came here and it’s fine. If something happens, we can hide it from you... You know, we are all on your side. Yuchen hurried away, just because he received a call temporarily. He must fly abroad. He also solemnly entrusted you to us just now and let us take care of you for him for a period of time. If you don’t believe me, ask Qingqing and Yinyin..."

Tang Xinluo looked suspiciously at Su Qing and Qiao Yinyin.

The two nodded immediately.

"Really, Xinluo! Even if you don't believe in Qiao Mohan, you should believe me and Yinyin."

Because of Su Qing and Qiao Yinyin's assurance, Tang Xinluo let go of the doubts in his heart.


At night, Lu Yuchen also called.

Knowing that he was leaving temporarily, rushing to the airport.

Now as soon as I landed, I called her.

The stone hanging in Tang Xinluo's heart finally fell.

"Xiao Luo, behave at home for an abortion. Something happened temporarily at the foreign branch, I will take care of it and I will come back."

"Well, I'm okay, don't worry... I will take care of myself and the baby." Tang Xinluo went back to Tang's house after being checked in the hospital.

She sat on the sofa, holding a pillow, "Yu Chen, when you come back, let's have a good talk. I have something and want to tell you."

She wanted to continue if she didn't finish speaking at the Imperial Court's office that day.

Lu Yuchen could be honest with her about Gu Xuan'er, but at the time, he refused to tell her why he really wanted to divorce her on the evening of the dinner.

After she was angry and hesitating, she had re-thinked about it.

Any problem, if you blindly evade and don't face it, it will always be a hurdle between the two of them.

Therefore, she wanted to wait for Lu Yuchen to come back and have a good talk with him.

Lu Yuchen on the other end of the phone paused for a moment when he heard her words.

Unfortunately, Tang Xinluo didn't find it.

After a few seconds, I heard Lu Yuchen's low and condensed voice coming from the phone.

"Okay...when I come back, let's talk about it."

"Well, good!" Tang Xinluo smiled sweetly.


After hanging up the phone, Su Qing leaned in.

In order to take care of Tang Xinluo, she now also lives in the Tang family.

"How, what did your husband say?"

"Yu Chen said, now that he is abroad, he will deal with the affairs of foreign companies during this period, and will come back when the processing is over."

Tang Xinluo changed to a more comfortable position and looked up at Su Qing, "Xiao Qing, is it really okay for you to live with me? Actually, Zhang Ma is here to take care of me, you don't need to stay here to accompany me."

"Wow, Xinluo, you despise me now, right? I just want to stay with you..."

"Oh my little Qingqing, how could I despise you. I'm not looking at it. The look in the eyes that Shao Qiao sent us back is a bit sad. I was afraid to disturb you before asking."

"Don't worry about that guy Qiao Mohan..." Su Qing waved her hand casually, "Mama Zhang's craftsmanship is so good, I like to eat and stay here!"

After Su Qing finished speaking, she stood up and pretended to pour water.

In fact, he had a guilty conscience and avoided Tang Xinluo.

Lu Yuchen's'not in City A', Tang Xinluo naturally would not go back to their love nest.

She is too lazy to move now. If no one asks her to go back, she will continue to live in Tang's house.

Su Qing, Qiao Yinyin and Qiao Mohan have discussed, at least, she and Qiao Yinyin will take turns living here with Tang Xinluo.

Beware that Xin Luo knows that Gu Xuan'er, the woman, is about to move to the villa in Lanwan Yayuan.

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