Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 545: I heard that Tang Xinluo's gossip

" said, if Gu Xuan'er died at that time, Lu Yuchen would think, who did it?"

Killing with a knife has always been the best way to defeat a strong enemy without a **** sword.

Lu Aitong's eyes flashed with rewards, "Mom, you are a good way to do this!"

Lin Tong smiled triumphantly upon hearing this.

"Huh, of course. As long as we do this, we can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and witness Zhuo Yarong and Lu Yuchen's mother and son fighting with our own eyes. At that time, a falling apart Lu family is not in your father and brother's pockets. Things!"


At the same time, the other side.

In the center of city A, in a luxurious apartment.

"Mummy, what should I do...Shao Shao hasn't contacted me for several days, do you think he has changed his mind?"

Tang Mi looked disappointed and sat next to Tang Ruolan, her face full of chagrin and helplessness.

Her past admirers, after the banquet, had all separated from her for fear of offending the Lu family.

Su Shao, the only fanatical admirer, has not contacted her for several days.

"Elder Su is stopping, and Young Master Su just likes you again, what's the use?"

Tang Ruolan also sighed depressed, "As long as it is a family who still wants to mix in city A, I will never dare to interact with you again. Lu Yuchen's trick is really ruthless, and it cut off all our resources!"

Not only Tang Mi's suitors disappeared in an instant, but also Tang Ruolan's original contacts.

After knowing that they had offended the Lu family, they had separated from them one after another.

Tang Ruolan's investment failed long ago, and now he has no contacts, except for this apartment, almost nothing is left.

If they can't find a new way to make money, Tang Ruolan and her daughter, who are accustomed to luxurious life, will soon have to move to the most ordinary civilian areas to live.

Such a day is definitely not what they want!

"Speaking of it, it's all to blame Tang Xinluo's bitch! If it weren't for her, how could we have fallen to this point!" Tang Ruolan complained angrily.

Tang Mi also responded: "Yes, I blame her! Hmph, a woman like her with a vicious mind deserves the present retribution! Mommy, you haven't been out recently, so I don't know... Now, the whole A The city is waiting to see, Tang Xinluo's joke!"

Tang Mi has sharpened her head for a while, wanting to get into the circle of those elder brothers.

I have heard a lot of rumors about Tang Xinluo.

"Joke..." Tang Ruolan frowned, "Mimi, what did you hear outside?"

"Mom, let me tell you, it's like this..."


On this day, Tang Xinluo just finished the checkup and came back from outside.

Because she was going for a check-up, Su Qing also deliberately asked for leave to accompany her.

As soon as the car drove back outside the Tang family villa, it was stopped by two familiar figures.

Su Qing frowned when she saw the person standing in front of the car, "Tang Ruolan, Tang Mi...They still have a face?!"

Tang Xinluo faintly glanced at the figure in front of him, not surprisingly, did not see Mrs. Tang.

It seems that since Tang Wang Chunfang's last stroke was carried away, his bones have completely gone.

Thinking of this, Tang Xinluo lowered his eyes slightly, retracted his gaze, and landed on his already five-month-old belly.

"Xiao Qing, let someone drive them away... I don't want to see them."

She may still have the last grandparents' friendship with Mrs. Tang.

If Mrs. Tang dies, she will arrange her funeral as a descendant of the Tang family.

But Tang Ruolan and Tang Mi, the mother and daughter...

Sorry, their life and death have nothing to do with her.

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