Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 556: Xiaojiao's wife, she's getting meat

"Lu Yuchen, how could you..."

The moment I opened my eyes, I found the man who often appeared in my dreams.

Stabbing unexpectedly, sitting quietly on the edge of the bed, looking down at her.

Tang Xinluo was almost excited, out of breath.

She sat up quickly, but she forgot that she was already a woman with six tops.

Fortunately, Lu Yuchen reacted promptly, and put his arms around her waist, bringing the woman who had almost fallen into his arms.

"Do you think about me that way? I can't wait, so I rushed into my arms... Well, I haven't seen you for two months, my Xiao Luo has been raised as a piglet."

Lu Yuchen hugged her affectionately, he half leaned against the head of the bed, letting her head sit on his chest.

At this time, Tang Xinluo had not recovered from the shock.

After waiting for a few seconds, he slowed down and gave him a hard twist on his arm.

"Hiss——" The man couldn't help snorting, "How can you screw your husband like this, eh?"

"I... I want to see if I'm dreaming."

Hearing this, the man lowered his eyes and chuckled, "Fool, not dreaming."

"But... why did you come here? You lied to me saying that you are abroad. Are you still with that Gu..."

"What am I not? You want to say, I'm not with Gu Xuan'er, am I?" The man's big palm hugged her waist and moved down while she was not paying attention.

On her plump PP, she patted gently.

"You--" Tang Xinluo was really angry.

He did so many inexplicable things, and she didn't blame him.

He actually did it first!

"This is a small punishment for distrusting me." Lu Yuchen's chin rested against the top of her soft hair.

It's been a long time since I hugged her.

Xiao Luo holding him in this way is even better than remembered.

Tang Xinluo pouted displeasedly, "I don't believe you anymore... I obviously didn't go to you to make trouble."

If she really didn't believe him, after learning about it from Tang Ruolan's mother and daughter, she should go find him and make a fuss.

Hearing her squeamish, complaining words, Lu Yuchen didn't notice her lips curled.

The corners of the cold lips became warm because of this smile.

"It seems that my Xiao Luo is quite sensible..." He gently stroked her back with his big palm and rubbed it carefully.

It's like pacifying, some kind of small animal.

Tang Xinluo was very comfortable with him, but she couldn't help but raise her head.

She raised her eyes to look at him and blinked her peachy eyes, "Then what is going on with you and Gu Xuan'er? Why are you lying to me, saying that you have gone abroad..."

Fortunately, she is still like a fool, counting with her fingers, how long will he come back?

When Lu Yuchen heard her questioning, the smile in his eyes deepened.

The little things really care about it.

She seemed to care about him more than he thought.

Because of this cognition, the man's deep eyes showed a touch of lust.

The slender five fingers that were originally stroking the woman's back are moving down little by little.

Feeling his hands began to be irregular, Tang Xinluo endured the tingling sensation half of his body.

He put his hands on his firm abs and sat up.

"Don't mess around, answer my question first!"

Her attitude seemed very determined.

With a little red face, he betrayed her.

It's been a long time since I was so close.

I was ‘coaxed’ by him a few times just now, and I almost couldn’t hold it.

When Lu Yuchen saw this, he curled his lips and chuckled. With his handsome features, Tang Xinluo looked at him again.

He stretched out his hand, gently squeezed her small face, and muttered, "I'm getting fleshy."

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