Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 576: Gu Xuan'er appeared wearing a necklace

Shi Weizheng was lucky at this time.

Fortunately, I let Lu Aitong hide, and she was not allowed to show up.

Thinking of the little wife, although he was quite satisfied, he was really a little angry at her self-assertion and ignorance.

Obviously know what kind of results will be caused once it appears in City A.

She even dared to be ignorant and follow her.

"Young Master Chen, please rest assured. After I go back, I will definitely warn my wife." Shi Weizheng, as the president, had to bow his head to the head of the Lu family.

This is the result of the disparity in strength.

Lu Yuchen let out a cold tone, and then ended the conversation with Shi Weizheng.

Seeing the man who had just walked aside and was surrounded by other guests.

Shi Weizheng's eyes quickly flashed a shadow of prey.

Lu Yuchen...In fact, he didn't take him seriously.

Well, he just waited and watched.

Look at the lofty Lu Family Patriarch, after the scandal was exposed and his ruin, how can he continue to play his prestige in front of him!


Lu Yuchen was surrounded by everyone with a glass of red wine.

He seemed to be chatting with a few big businessmen in front of him, but he was always paying attention to Shi Weizheng.

Thinking of the news from the black market these days.

The arc of Lu Yuchen's thin lips became more obvious.

The batch of drugs code-named ‘ka-82-ti’ was the last failed product developed on the black market.

Later, because of the special needs of the military, a total of six batches of ‘ka-82-ti’ were sent to the military on the black market.

Not long ago, during the routine efficacy sampling period.

Researchers sent by the black market found that the batch of drugs from the military was strangely missing.

There are ten medicines whose whereabouts are unknown.

Because of this incident, the military has undergone rectification.

The same is true, let Lu Yuchen discover the possible destination of those ten drugs.

Presidential Palace, President's wife Lu Aitong...

Oh, her hand, really, stretched long enough.

Just when Lu Yuchen was about to wait and see what tricks those people would play.

An unexpected shadow appeared on the stairs on the second floor of the banquet hall.

Gu Xuan'er is wearing a pink strapless dress tonight.

The well-tailored dress made her look more petite and pitiful.

Those slender waists that didn't hold a full grip, and those pitiful, bright eyes that seemed to be soaked in water.

With the elegant makeup, and the black and beautiful long hair, it looks smart and beautiful, and also looks charming and lovely.

"It turns out that she is the young lady of the Gu family... no wonder Young Master Chen is so confused by her."

People around recognized Gu Xuan'er and couldn't help but sigh.

But Gu Xuan'er walked slowly in front of Lu Yuchen under the eyes of everyone.

"Yu Chen... I finally saw you."

The moment she saw Lu Yuchen, Gu Xuan'er bit her lower lip lightly, as if holding back a thousand words of grievance in her heart.

If it weren't for other people here, she really wanted to throw herself directly into Lu Yuchen's arms.

But no, she wants other guests to see how different she is to Lu Yuchen.

She wanted others to see how Lu Yuchen took the initiative and cared for her.

Just listen to Lu Yuchen's low and cold voice, as she expected, "The one on your neck..."

Lu Yuchen's mood was more complicated than Gu Xuan'er thought.

Since he suspected Gu Xuan'er last time, he had investigated it privately.

The result of the investigation has already begun to make him suspicious. It is also for this reason that he can let Gu Xuan'er give up and let her take care of herself.

but now……

Gu Xuan'er would actually wear that necklace, which was of extraordinary significance to him!

[The author has something to say] Today, I can only change 6 more, because the baby is kneeling and has serious physical pain, so I can't write it. I will try my best to restore 10 more tomorrow, what?

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