Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 580: Su Qing feels familiar with the necklace

"Necklace, what necklace...?" Su Qing raised her eyes strangely and asked Qiao Mohan.

She heard Qiao Mohanmo, who was called a necklace.

But he didn't even know that what he said was the one that Gu Xuaner was wearing on her neck.

"Okay, Yuchen, don't you have something to tell me..." Gu Xuan'er didn't want to delay time, deliberately stepped forward and took Lu Yuchen's arm.

She just received a response from the waiter in the presidential palace.

It just so happened that these people are making trouble, and the rooms upstairs have been arranged.

"Let's go up Yuchen, I happen to have something to do, I want to tell you."

Su Qing wanted to say something, but was held back by Qiao Mohan.

At this time, Lu Yuchen's thoughts were all on the little angel in the necklace.

He only nodded indifferently to Qiao Mohan, and followed Gu Xuan'er up the stairs.

"Qiao Mohan, what dumb riddles are you two playing?" Su Qing furiously stared at the man next to him, "Even if they are acting, they don't need to act so realistically."

"In the public, or at the banquet at the Presidential Palace, the two of them will be so impatient to get along alone? Qiao Mohan, I think you are deliberately helping the brothers to cover! The two of them will be passed on again. Be realistic, what should Xin Luo do in the future?"

She really didn't know what Lu Yuchen was making.

But if the two of them continue to act like this, even if the truth becomes clear in the future, there will be no place for Tang Xinluo's face.

Because everyone will know.

Xinluo's husband and Gu Xuan'er's junior, how "can't wait".

At the banquet, I just couldn't wait and got involved.

"Qingqing, don't be angry, of course I am on your side."

Qiao Mohan hugged Su Qing lightly, coaxing her to walk aside.

He raised his eyes, just in time to see Lu Yuchen and Gu Xuan'er passing by the aisle on the second floor.

"Look... the necklace Gu Xuan'er wears on her neck. It is because of that that Yu Chen is anxious and wants to take her to solve the matter in private. Although I am not sure, I know..."

"and many more--"

Su Qing suddenly grabbed his arm, "The necklace Gu Xuan'er wears on her do I think it looks so familiar..."

Su Qing said as she raised her neck and looked up.

Unfortunately, at this time, they had already entered the pre-arranged lounge.

In the corridor upstairs, Gu Xuan'er and Lu Yuchen were completely invisible.

Qiao Mohan glanced at Su Qing, who was still looking up at her neck.

Can't help but break her head back, and smiled, "Don't look at it, everyone is gone."


But that necklace really looks familiar.

If she was given another look, she would surely remember.

"Okay, baby... We have been in for so long and haven't gone to say hello to your Excellency the President." Qiao Mohan squeezed Su Qing's face indulgingly, and hugged her towards Shi Weizheng.

Just then, Qiao Yinyin also followed.

The three of them went over together, but let Su Qing forget about the necklace.


In the upstairs lounge, Lu Yuchen walked in with Gu Xuan'er.

This is a luxuriously decorated but ordinary lounge.

But at about fifty square meters, after entering the door, there are three soft and comfortable leather couches on the right.

There is a small bar and wine cabinet for display on the left.

On the glass tea table in the sofa room, there are prepared fruit plates and small dots.

On the outermost side is a whole piece of floor-to-ceiling glass.

With just a few glances, he filtered everything in the room.

The two red wine glasses placed on the table are suspicious, and a small half glass of red wine has been poured in them.

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