Wait for them to go up the stairs to see who they are.

Shi Weizheng couldn't help squinting.

"You... are you that little white-faced star?"

Shi Weizheng originally did not know anyone in the entertainment industry.

But a while ago, Yue Ze and Tang Xinluo spread a scandal.

Because Tang Xinluo and Lu Yuchen are involved, he also knows Yueze.

"Little white face... heh..." Yue Ze smiled lightly, "Thank you for your praise, your Excellency."

Yue Ze was already good-looking and fair-skinned. He didn't pay attention to Shi Weizheng's mocking name.

Shi Weizheng gave a cold snort, but said nothing.

In his opinion, as the President of China, talking to an actor in a small area is an insult to his status.

Yueze didn't get angry when he saw that he ignored him.

He gently held Tang Xinluo and said to her, "Let's go, I'll take you up."

Just downstairs, Su Qing told them what happened.

Tang Xinluo was naturally anxious, if it wasn't for her big belly for fear of hurting the baby, she would like to rush upstairs by herself.

Upon seeing this, Yue Ze couldn't help but waver.

Originally, he brought Tang Xinluo over because he learned from the phone that Gu Xuan'er would wear a necklace to confuse Lu Yuchen.

He didn't have a good impression of Gu Xuan'er, and for the sake of his children, he had promised Tang Xinluo that he would look after her husband for her, so he brought Tang Xinluo over.

But now, seeing Tang Xinluo uneasy, he arose again, and he wanted to help.

Tang Xinluo asked cautiously, "So many people are blocking, and your Excellency the President, shall we go up?"

Young Master Qiao and the other party have had several conflicts, and they can't do it. Why are they going up here?

Like a okay person, Yue Ze patted Tang Xinluo's hand comfortably, "Don't worry."

After speaking, he took her straight up.

Lu Qi naturally led people again and stood in front of them.

"This lady, please go back, the second floor will be temporarily closed to outsiders..."

Before he finished speaking, a flash of surprise flashed across Lu Qi's eyes.

When he reacted, his whole person had already been kicked out directly.

So fast, he has no time to resist!

Lu Qi flew out, and then, the five or six black guards standing behind him all flew out.

For a time, "bang", "bang" and "bang"——

The sound of a heavy object hitting the ground fiercely went downstairs.

The guests downstairs can't clearly see the situation upstairs.

From their perspective, they can only see that there is a large corridor that can accommodate three people side by side.

Shao Qiao protected Su Qing and Qiao Yinyin, while Yue Ze gently embraced Tang Xinluo.

At the entrance of the stairs, the black-clothed guards who had stood several rows disappeared.

Now the only one standing still is the President who looks trembling and trembling slightly.

On a step below him, a tall blond man was standing.

"Do you... do you know what this is doing!? I, I am the president of China, doing this is equivalent to..."

"Okay, don't be in front of me, playing the presidential prestige." Yue Ze didn't even lift his eyelids.

In the current situation, the noble families in China do not necessarily have to sell the president's face.

What's more, he is not even a Chinese.

"Winston, take away the guns from those people."

"Yes, young master." The tall Winston's face was silent.

When he walked from Shi Weizheng's side, Shi Weizheng even weakened his legs in fright, almost kneeling in front of Yue Ze and Tang Xinluo.

It was also the first time for Tang Xinluo to see the strength of the so-called Young Master Reddington.

She did not expect that Yue Ze could be so arrogant in the face of a country's president.

But now is not the time to care about this, she anxiously reminded Yue Ze, "Hurry up and let him hand over the key to the lounge, Lu Yuchen is still inside."

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