Zhang Zijun didn't remember how she ate breakfast. In fact, she forgot whether she ate it or not. She even forgot that she had a car to take the bus. She was confused and took the bus that she hadn't taken for a long time.

She hasn't taken a bus for a long time, especially from Xinghai famous city to Jingcheng company. It seems that she hasn't taken a bus, so she didn't know which bus to take when she got to the bus station.

Fortunately, there was a bus line on the bus stop. She stared at the bus stop sign for a long time and finally found two buses that could be replaced.

She stood quietly behind the bus stop, quietly staring at the large and small vehicles coming and going on the road, with no sadness, worry, joy, natural and calm on her face.

I don't remember when I read a foreign story in a magazine called bosom friend. It seems that a poor woman died of her nine-year-old son and was known by a lady. The lady went to see the poor woman with compassion.

On her way there, the lady was still thinking that the poor woman must be very sad, painful and sad when her son died. At this time, she must be crying in her own house.

However, the fact surprised the lady. When she arrived at the poor woman's house, she saw the poor woman sitting quietly in the shabby thatched house. She didn't shed a tear. She sat quietly at the three legged table and drank a bowl of wild vegetable soup silently.

The lady couldn't understand the poor woman's behavior. She asked the poor woman suspiciously, "aren't you sad that your nine-year-old son died? Aren't you sad or painful? Why are you still in the mood to drink soup here quietly?"

The poor woman looked at her and answered faintly, "is there any direct relationship between sadness, pain and quiet soup?"

The lady said: "Of course, my half-year-old daughter died. I was so sad and painful that I couldn't eat anything for three days and nights. I kept watching her little body until she was buried. Even later, she was buried. I still miss what she wants. I often feel sad and want to cry when I see her photos. I lost more than five kilograms a month. Later, I still went there It took a few months on vacation to heal the injury. Now it's not so sad. "

The poor woman listened to the lady's words and said calmly: "Yes, look at you. You can guard his body without eating or drinking for three days and nights when the child is dead, but when my child is dead, you have to find a place to bury it. Because you can't afford the morgue fee, you can lose five pounds without thinking about food, and then come back from a vacation for a few months. If I don't eat, I won't have the strength. How can I work tomorrow? You can use a vacation Relieve your grief and pain, but I have to work hard for my next meal. You can be sad and interpret your grief heartily, but I must seize the time to eat and do things. "

"Then aren't you sad?" the lady still asked.

"I'm not sad," the poor woman replied very calmly, "sadness needs capital, but I don't have capital!"

The poor woman has no capital, and she has no capital. The poor woman quietly drinks vegetable soup to supplement her physical strength to go to work, and she quietly makes breakfast, eats breakfast and is ready to go to work.

Zhang Zijun really wanted to go to work. She had not taken the bus for a long time. She sat in the opposite direction, and after she got on the bus, she didn't notice any station until the bus stopped completely.

"Girl, you haven't got off at the terminal yet?" the driver looked at her and asked.

Terminal? She got off at a loss. It was really a parking lot of a large bus stop, which was full of rectangular buses of various colors.

"I'll go to Jingcheng building." she didn't forget her destination.

"I've taken the wrong bus," said the driver. Seeing her confused look on her face, he thought she was not normal, so he pointed to a yellow bus lane running on the main road outside: "you should take that bus."

"Does that bus go to Jingcheng building?" Zijun asked blankly.

"Yes, of course. When you wave at the roadside, people stop." the driver pointed and motioned her to hurry.

"Thank you." Zijun blankly walked out of the parking lot and came to the side of the road, but the yellow car was never seen again.

Under the guidance of passers-by, she finally walked to the bus stop diagonally opposite and looked at the bus license plate. Only then did she find that she is now far away from Jingcheng building.

Oh, the cake buyer, she rubbed her forehead with her hand. Now it's time to go to work, and she's still far from work.

"There are few yellow buses directly to Jingcheng building. You have to change trains." an enthusiastic passer-by pointed out to her: "if you are in a hurry, take a taxi. If you are not in a hurry, take a bus to transfer to the subway..."

Zhang Zijun finally chose to take the bus to the subway, but her luck was not generally bad. She met a traffic jam only two stops after taking the bus.

The plug was done and completely cut off her thought of going to work. Looking at the blocked road outside the window, she smiled bitterly. It was really unlucky for people to plug their teeth when drinking cold water.

The car was blocked for a long time, and the carriage that was originally full and could not be crowded gradually became empty. Finally, only passengers far away from the road were left, and those within two kilometers got off and walked.

Zhang Zijun has been sitting quietly in the car. Compared with those impatient and scolding passengers, she is much quieter and more civilized. She didn't even complain about the traffic jam this time.

The car was blocked for more than two hours. When it finally started, the people on the car breathed a long sigh of relief. Later, they learned that the five cars in front hit one after another, three dead and five injured, and there was a major traffic accident.

When Zhang Zijun transferred to the subway downstairs of Jingcheng building, it was already 12 noon, and everyone in Jingcheng company got off work.

Just as she was about to walk into the building, a surprised voice came out behind her: "gentleman!"

She looked back a little stunned. Only then did she find that it was the apple running towards her, and there was an excited surprise on her face.

"Gentleman, where have you been? I've been looking for you all morning." Apple hugged her, crying and laughing with excitement, completely forgetting that he was a pregnant woman.

Apple looking for her? Zijun was stunned before he reacted.

"I took the wrong bus to work this morning." Zijun said truthfully: "later, I met a big traffic jam when I changed to another bus, so... I rushed downstairs at this time."

"Gentleman, I thought... Your cell phone couldn't get through again," Apple looked at her, and his voice was still trembling because of excitement. "Gentleman, I'm worried to death. Are you... All right?"

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