Zijun was a little stunned. Seeing that others had climbed into the cab, he finally handed him the car key and thought it would be better to have a free driver.

"Your car is good, and your husband is also very generous to you." Yi Changning said faintly when starting the car.

Zijun nodded. Before he could answer, he heard Yi Changning say, "but it seems that he is more generous to his lover outside."

Zijun's face sank and immediately said coldly, "Yi Changning, I agree that you take my ride, not to ridicule me."

"Hey, women nowadays just can't hear the truth," Yi Changning shook his head and sighed, "I'm just telling the truth."

"..." Zijun was so angry that he turned his head to one side and completely ignored his truth.

Damn Yi Changning, doesn't he know that the truth is often the most hurtful?

He doesn't have eyes? Didn't you see her finger hurt? Now you have to sprinkle a handful of salt on her heart?

"Hey, did you have breakfast?" Yi Changning drove by a teahouse and couldn't help asking Zhang Zijun in the co driver's seat.

"Yes," Zijun turned his head and looked at him, "you shouldn't..."

"I certainly didn't eat breakfast," Yi Changning replied very definitely, and then complained: "it's all the damn car. I didn't eat breakfast because I ran out of oil in the morning."

"..." Zhang Zijun was speechless. Yi Changning blamed the car for not having breakfast.

"Will you help me go down and buy a breakfast?" Yi Changning suddenly asked. Without waiting for Zijun's refusal, he quickly added: "it's not easy to park here and there's no parking space. Go and buy me breakfast. I'll go around the teahouse and come back. In this way, I don't waste time looking for a parking space."

Such a good plan can save time by buying breakfast. How can Zijun refuse?

Zhang Zijun also thought that Yi Changning would drive faster. As a result, buying breakfast for him on the road delayed time. Finally, she was late when she arrived at the company.

In fact, it didn't take long to help Yi Changning buy breakfast, mainly because the guy spent a lot of time eating breakfast, and the guy paid attention to it. He had breakfast and parked his car on the roadside. I knew it would be better to let him go to the teahouse for breakfast.

Fortunately, she is the assistant director and is not in the charge of the team leader Xiao Mengqi. When she arrives, the director Lu Ruidong has not arrived yet, so even if she is late, Xiao Mengqi can only stare.

Zhang Zijun thought that Yi Changning just took her free ride in the morning. Who knows, when she got off work in the afternoon, Yi Changning texted her again: "Zhang Zijun, wait for me after work, and I'll take your car back."

"Can't you take a taxi?" Zijun replied a text message very impolitely.

"Is it so easy to stop taxis during rush hours? Have you ever stopped taxis at work?" Yi Changning quickly replied with a text message.

"... Zhang Zijun looked at the text message and said nothing. It seems that he can't stop a taxi for more than half an hour after work.

"Anyway, I'll leave after work. If you can come and catch up, that's it. If you can't catch up, I can't wait for you." Zijun replied a reluctant text message and went back.

Yi Changning's text message soon came again: "your car is downstairs of my building, and your car key is still in my hand. You'd better come to Taixing building and wait for me after work."

"..." Zhang Zijun was completely speechless.

She remembered that Yi Changning drove the car for her this morning. At that time, because she was in a hurry, as soon as Yi Changning stopped outside Jingcheng building, she hurried to open the door and get off.

At that time, I just wanted to run into the building. I was afraid that I would be caught late by the director. I completely forgot that Yi Changning was driving his own car.

Well, her car is in Yi Changning's hand, and her car key is in Yi Changning's hand. It's impossible for her not to go to Taixing building and wait for Yi Changning.

Originally, I thought she was downstairs of Taixing building, and Yi Changning almost came downstairs. Who knows, I sent a text message to him, but Yi Changning told her that he was still busy at the moment and asked her to go upstairs and wait for him.

Shit, what's her life?

His car fell into the hands of others, and finally he had to wait for others? Is she wronged?

Yi Changning didn't come downstairs, and she didn't want to run upstairs to find Yi Changning, so she just leaned against her door to play mobile games.

The mobile phone was given to her by Tong Zhenyu at the beginning. It seems that it was sent for charging the phone fee, and the Games in it include snake swallowing elephant, Tetris and traffic jam.

She is not familiar with snake swallowing elephant and traffic jam. She hasn't played Tetris before. She played Tetris with her roommate in college before, so she chose to play Tetris.

Zhang Zijun thought he could not wait for Yi Changning for a few minutes. Unexpectedly, it was more than half an hour. It not only hurt her leg, but also ran out of power on her mobile phone.

Just as she was thinking whether to rush upstairs to find Yi Changning to get the car key, the elevator door finally opened. Yi Changning, dressed in a white shirt and a suit in his arms, came late.

"Oh, my Yi Dashao, if you don't come out again, I really have to rush upstairs to find you." Zijun stretched out his hand to Yi Changning: "give me the car key."

"Don't you hurt your finger?" Yi Changning glanced at her: "I'd better drive. Besides, I drive faster, don't I?"

"Well... OK." Zijun thought, it seems that it's also such a reason. Anyway, they drove back to Xinghai city together.

Zhang Zijun also wants to go back to Xinghai famous city to cook for herself tonight, because the ingredients she bought yesterday are still not used up in the refrigerator.

But who knows that Yi Changning drove the car and received a call not hundreds of meters away from Taixing building. He took out his mobile phone and said bird language. Zijun didn't understand a word.

In fact, people speak French, and Zhang Zijun's language that he doesn't understand is collectively referred to as bird language.

Yi Changning hung up the phone and looked at Zijun with an apologetic face: "sorry, Zijun, I have a French customer temporarily. I have to drive to pick them up at the airport at the moment."

"What?" Zijun was surprised at this, and then his first reaction was: "no, I have to go home. Your customers have nothing to do with me. You can stop a taxi to pick them up."

"Can I stop a taxi now?" Yi Changning glanced at her: "besides, my customers know I have a car family. Do you think it's good for me to stop a taxi to pick them up? They will think I don't respect them."

"What about that?" Zijun frowned with a headache, and finally gave in: "OK, I'll lend you this car? Pull over and I'll go back by subway."

Just next to the subway entrance, and at this time, taking the subway is much faster than taking a taxi in the rush hour!

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