After hearing this, Zijun smiled: "don't you people in the sea all speak AA system? I'm not going to be in line with international standards?"

"Don't connect," Lu Ruidong said with a quick smile. "This is not the sea. It's on the land. People on the land live on face. When I swim around the sea, I still have to do as the Romans do. This face can't be lost."

Lu Ruidong bought the order and they walked out of the authentic Sichuan restaurant together.

The car stopped at the gate of Kuanzhai alley. Lu Ruidong's very gentleman helped Zijun open the co driver's door and invited her to get on the bus. Zijun couldn't help joking: "it's still the most standard gentleman service of seaweed."

Lu Ruidong smiled, bypassed the front of the car to get on the other side, drove the car to the main road outside, and then asked sideways, "are you going home?"

"Don't hurry," Zijun shook his head. "I've had dinner. I'll go back to bed. There's nothing else to do."

She's really not in a hurry. Anyway, she's alone when she gets home. When she faces the empty room, she can't sleep even if she wants to sleep too early.

"Since I don't dare, let's have a drink," Lu Ruidong naturally suggested. "There is a small bar near my apartment, which belongs to the kind of pure drinking. I occasionally sit down when I'm free and drink a small glass when I'm upset."

Because she was drunk and met Tong Zhenyu, Zijun was afraid of the instinctive respect of the bar, so she hasn't been to the bar since then.

However, Lu Ruidong said that the small bar was pure drinking, and the place was not large. She thought that the staff should not be complicated. The most important thing was that Lu Ruidong was around.

It's better to hang out alone when you go home alone. After Tong Zhenyu's reunion with his mother tonight, I think he will go to comfort his princess Xi at the first time?

Whether he will go home or not is still unknown. Even if he does, it is estimated that it will be after the early morning.

A person is too lonely at home, mainly because a person will think about things at home for no reason. If someone speaks outside, it will not be so uncomfortable and melancholy.

Lu Ruidong didn't lie to her. The essence of life is really a small bar. In fact, it is refitted from three berths. There are a pile of empty wine bottles and several wooden chairs, which seem very simple.

Perhaps because it was still early, there were only a few people sitting in the bar. Lu Ruidong did not take her to the bar where several people had been sitting, but took her to the corner near the wine rack to sit down.

The whole bar is based on the simple life, so the lights are warm and warm. The bar is very quiet, no one makes noise, and the whole atmosphere and mood are very good.

The original color wooden chair. Waiter is a European white boy. He is very handsome and looks like Leonardo in Titanic.

Looking at this European young man, the gentleman involuntarily sounded the apple. In high school, Naya was fascinated by Titanic. She watched the genuine film once, but she didn't know how many times to watch the pirated film.

Every time. Apple will be very crazy and say, "I must go to England in the future, meet my Leonardo on a luxury cruise ship, and then stand in the bow of the ship with him and fly together:" I'm the king of the world! "

At that time, they were really simple and had the most romantic and beautiful dreams in their girlhood. They always jumped restless factors in their sprouting youth, as if they always wanted to fly to a broader sky.

Now, Apple has settled down. Since she was pregnant, she hasn't even been to class. She is wholeheartedly raising her baby to give birth. It's estimated that she never thought about Leonardo, who was once obsessed with her.

In those years, she was not so obsessed with flowers. Perhaps because she had been thinking about Lin Chengfei, she had never been obsessed with Leonardo. All she wanted was a quiet relationship and life.

Leonardo, who was so obsessed with apple, didn't meet the European white boy, but she was lucky to meet the European named John in this little bar called essential life.

"He's British," Lu Ruidong told her when she saw waiter. "He studied at Binda and is also a civil engineering student. He's the same as us. I don't know if there will be competition in the future."

Zijun said hello to her immediately. Although English was not very good, there was no problem in the communication of daily language.

The young man was talkative. He knew Zijun was also born in civil engineering. He was very enthusiastic and shouted that he would buy her a drink because he was the first female architect he met in China.

The gentlemanly demeanor of the British, even John as a waiter, was very good. Zijun felt very comfortable with his warm and polite service and generous speech and behavior.

Zijun's only bar experience was the night Lin Chengfei and Tong Yuxin got married. In fact, she basically didn't experience it, and she was very good at the wine in the bar. She didn't know what wine to order.

Lu Ruidong is like a regular bar drinker. He seems to be very familiar with the wine in the bar. It's clear. So he suggested Alexander? To Zijun, saying that it's a dairy wine. Many girls who don't like drinking will order this one.

Zijun listened to Lu Ruidong's advice. In fact, she was not unable to drink at all. There was still a glass or two of red wine, but she did drink less cocktails. Since Lu Ruidong said that the alcohol content was low, she estimated that she had no problem drinking.

John soon took Alexander? It was sent to her. The thick Beige liquid was not in the goblet on the tripod. It looked like a melted ice cream.

Zijun took it to his mouth and sipped it gently. It tastes smooth and very like melted ice cream. It has the noble smell of chocolate and brandy. It is sweet and easy to taste. With cardamom powder, the taste of the whole cup is very feminine.

Lu Ruidong ordered long island iced tea. Zijun, the name of this cocktail, had seen it in dog blood Xiaoyan before. Today is the first time to see the real appearance.

In her imagination, long island iced tea should have a long glass cup with uneven surface. The wine in it is almost the same color as tea, and then a lot of ice is added.

However, in fact, Long Island Iced Tea looks like a cup of ordinary carrot juice, except for a lemon slice at the mouth of the cup.

Alexander? It was really delicious. Zijun drank a cup unconsciously. He still felt that he was not satisfied, and looked at the empty cup in a daze.

"Do you feel good?" Lu Ruidong asked her softly.

Zijun's face flushed slightly, nodded and truthfully admitted: "yes, this is the best wine I've ever drunk. It's not like wine at all."

Lu Ruidong smiled and waved to John. He asked for another Alexander?.

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