Xia LAN stood aside and looked at Tong Zhenzhou busy paying fees. Looking at Tong Zhenyu leaning against the column like a fool, she was sad and regretted.

In fact, the person who first suspected that Zhang Zijun's pregnancy was false was not Tong Zhenyu, but her!

She told Tong Zhenyu that Zhang Zijun's menstrual period hasn't arrived yet, and generally she won't know whether she is pregnant until she hasn't come after a week of menstrual period. Of course, these are what she knows from her dog blood Xiaoyan and her girlfriends.

Xia LAN recalled a conversation with Zhang Zijun when she knew that Zhang Zijun was pregnant. At that time, Zhang Zijun said that there was an advanced pregnancy test stick that could be measured before menstruation.

At that time, she thought Zhang Zijun said this on purpose, but she didn't expect that it was true. She was really pregnant. She didn't lie at all!

They misunderstood her, everyone misunderstood her, everyone despised her!

And she, without refutation or opposition, silently bears their misunderstanding, contempt and even humiliation!

But silently refuted them with such facts!

Just, is this fact a little too cruel?

"Xia LAN, let's go back first." Tong Tiemei came and took her daughter: "your cousin had a miscarriage. Go back and kill a chicken and stew some chicken soup for her. You have to help her mend her body."

Xia LAN nodded. She was very sad. She knew that her unintentional mistake could not be made up with a pot of chicken soup.

A living child? Just because of her words to Tong Zhenyu, it became a pool of blood

"Xia LAN, what's the matter with you?" Tong Tiemei found something wrong with her daughter. After getting on the bus, she quickly asked.

"I feel bad," Xia Lan said. Tears came out: "at the beginning, I told brother Zhenyu that my second sister-in-law's menstrual period hasn't arrived. If I don't say that, my second brother won't doubt my second sister-in-law. It's all my fault."

"Well, don't blame yourself," Tong Tiemei comforted her daughter: "in the future, Zhenyu and Xu Ruoxi and Zhang Zijun are less involved in things before. Xu Ruoxi and Zhenyu are in love abroad. In fact, we don't know much about her character except your brother Zhenyu. Zhang Zijun has met several times and thinks she is still a straightforward woman."

"I know," Xia LAN quickly nodded. "In the future, I will keep a distance from Ruoxi. I always think about her performance tonight."

"Affectation," Tong Tiemei took over her daughter's words very definitely: "especially when she kept blaming herself and said she didn't blame Zhang Zijun, it was too affectation."


An hour later, Zhang Zijun pushed out of the operating room.

General anesthesia was used for abortion, so she was still awake when she was pushed out. Her face on the hospital bed was the same color as the bed sheet because of too much blood loss.

Some small gauze was posted on her legs, arms and back of her hands. The doctor said that these were skin injuries. It would be better if she stuttered in a few days. Her main injury was still in the uterus. After all, the children fell off. In fact, normal abortion does not need to be hospitalized. Generally, she can leave after taking a rest of two hours.

But Zhang Zijun was seriously injured and lost too much blood, so the doctor suggested that he be hospitalized for observation for a day or two to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and other special situations.

"Zhenzhou, you send grandma back," Tong Zhenyu said to Zhenzhou, who accompanied him here. "Grandma is old. Now she has finished her operation. I can just stay here alone."

Old lady Tong glared at him fiercely and looked at Zijun who was sleeping heavily in the hospital bed. She sighed and said softly: "Zijun girl, I'll go back first. You're good to keep it. I'll clean him up for you when you wake up."

"Grandma, my sister-in-law is asleep. No matter how much you say, she can't hear." Tong Zhenzhou hurriedly helped old lady Tong out. When he came to the door, he looked back at Tong Zhenyu. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Since Xu Ruoxi came back, everyone has supported Xu Ruoxi, because she and Tong Zhenyu are true love, because she once sacrificed her life to save Tong Zhenyu.

Everyone was moved by the love between Tong Zhenyu and Xu Ruoxi, turned around Xu Ruoxi, regarded her as an angel, but forgot the innocent Zhang Zijun!


In the dead of night, the ward was surprisingly quiet, and even the sound of liquid dripping from the drip bottle was particularly clear.

Zijun doesn't know how long she slept. Her memory still stays in the period when Tong Zhenzhou sent her to the hospital.

When she was pushed into the emergency room, her abdomen was so painful that she could hardly support herself. The doctor quickly gave her a general examination, and then cruelly told her that she had miscarried.

Abortion, she was stunned, because before that, she never thought she was pregnant. No, she never thought she was really pregnant.

She remembered that her great aunt didn't come after Tong Zhenyu arranged an abortion for her last time, but she only had to fight with Xu Ruoxi at that time and completely forgot about her great aunt.

Miscarriage, the doctor asked her what to do and plan?

"Protect the tire!" she made a decision without thinking about it!

She wants to have a baby, she wants to keep the child, because this is her biggest chip in keeping her marriage!

The doctor told her very responsibly that she bled a lot and had a very small chance of keeping it!

But no matter how young she is, she still has to protect her fetus. Even if it is one percent hope, she has to make 100 percent efforts!

The doctor respected her decision, first gave her a fetal needle, and then gave her the necessary examination and treatment!

But in the end, with her efforts, the child still couldn't keep it. When the doctor told her that her family had signed the operation consent, her tears couldn't help falling down.

In fact, she also knows that she can't keep it. After all, she's bleeding in the crack of the rock. How long has it been? It's really a miracle to keep it.

But it's one thing to know. Now it's another thing to have an operation!

The child, the child she longed for, finally left her in this way!

Because she was injured, the doctor suggested general anesthesia to her, saying that she would not feel pain and would go to sleep!

When the anesthetic needle was hung, she still had some soberness in her brain, but gradually her head became heavier and heavier. She couldn't carry it anymore, and then she slept like that.

And this sleep is actually two hours!

Zhang Zijun woke up from his deep sleep, opened his eyes, looked around quickly, and found that he was no longer in the operating room, but in a single ward.

Her eyes came back from everywhere, and then she fixed on the man lying beside her bed, and this man is her husband - Tong Zhenyu!

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