"Hey, gentleman, why didn't you go to the bar to catch Gao Fu Shuai last night?" Apple asked when he saw her.

"Don't I have a husband?" Zijun gave her a look: "what kind of rich and handsome do people with a husband catch?"

On Sunday, I didn't have to go to work. Zijun had planned to go home with her parents. Unexpectedly, apple called her early in the morning to go shopping.

"Husband?" Apple was obviously stunned: "gentleman, I didn't contact you all day yesterday. Did you get married?"

Zijun nodded his head solemnly: "HMM."

"The handsome man you called on your blind date on Friday?" Apple asked again.

"Well," Zijun nodded again.

"But it's not right. Yesterday was Saturday," Apple stared at Zijun, and then shouted fiercely: "gentleman, you're really not a friend. You didn't invite me to the wedding yesterday? You don't even invite me as a bridesmaid if you think I'm ugly. You don't even invite me as a guest?"

"Who told you I had a wedding?" Zijun gave her a white look: "which ear of yours heard me say I had a wedding?"

"No wedding?" Apple immediately stared at her. "How did you get married yesterday?"

"Get married like this," Zijun explained. "Don't they get married when they live together?"

"Shit, who told you that two people live together is married?"

The apple was so angry that he said, "Zhang Zijun, will you grow your brain? A man and a woman who live together casually is not called marriage, but cohabitation. Do you understand cohabitation?"

"I didn't live with him casually?" Zijun thought Apple was funny and helpless. "Didn't I tell you? I'm married and married him!"

"Marriage, yesterday was Saturday, the Civil Affairs Bureau didn't work, and you didn't hold a wedding. How did you get married?"

Zhang Zijun's head is so unintelligible. Apple said that he would be worried to death for her.

"I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with him early on Friday morning to get the marriage certificate," Zijun quickly explained: "didn't you ask me to go on a blind date on Friday night? The situation was some special, so I didn't have time to tell you."

"Oh, well," Apple finally breathed a sigh of relief after listening to her explanation, slapped her on the shoulder and said, "gentleman, you are finally fighting for breath. Anyway, that man won't lose to Lin Chengfei in appearance that day. We won a game first in appearance."


Zijun was speechless. In fact, she never compared Tong Zhenyu with Lin Chengfei. She felt that there was no comparability.

"Now that you're married and married such a handsome husband, be happy!"

Apple took her hand and walked into the nearby Times Square: "let's go shopping. I heard that there are new summer clothes on the market. I'll pick some beautiful ones for you. I'm angry with Lin Chengfei and Tong Yuxin."

Times Square is also a little famous in Bincheng, but it can't be compared with the international shopping mall of gold coast, but there are also many mid-range fashion summer clothes.

Zijun doesn't like to wear skirts, so he doesn't have much interest in the newly launched summer dress, but apple is very interested. Seeing the newly launched new style, he always urges Zijun to try it on.

At Apple's instigation, Zijun finally bought two skirts, while Apple bought a pair of jumpers. They happily walked to the nearby taiyuexuan with their booty.

In fact, Zijun doesn't like Thai food, but he likes apples. He says it's summer soon. If you don't hurry up to eat dongyingong soup, you have to wait for half a year, because it's not suitable to drink dongyingong soup in summer and autumn.

Because Zijun didn't report his marriage, apple asked Zijun to treat him, saying that she would ask her to buy a Thai meal first, and then kill Zijun when her husband came back.

Zijun smiled. Although taiyuexuan is not cheap, it is not as expensive as a star hotel. Even with her own salary, she can afford an apple meal.

The two of them chose a window seat. As soon as they sat down, they heard a slightly excited voice at the door: "cousin, I heard that the Thai food of taiyuexuan is the most authentic. Let's try it, too?"

Zijun only felt that the voice was familiar. Looking back, he was indeed an acquaintance. It was Tong Yuxin and Sophie who came in at the gate.

Tong Yuxin was obviously stunned when he saw her. He didn't know how to call her.

Sophie looked at Zijun and the shopping bag in Times Square beside her. She snorted coldly, "only this kind of junior who can't get on the table can buy low-grade goods sold in Times Square."

"Who do you say is Xiao San?" Apple's temper was hotter than Zijun, and immediately asked Sophie, who just walked next to him.

"I'll tell her, what's the matter?" Sophie held her Princess like face high, completely provocative.

"Feifei," Tong Yuxin hurriedly pulled down Sophie: "let's sit there. Don't quarrel with others. It's not good."

"Cousin, you are too soft and weak," Sophie immediately looked at Tong Yuxin and said, "like this shameless little three, you don't give her a bully now. In the future, she will lie down on your head. When she just shows signs, you should."

"Miss, a person's mouth is not used to slander people!"

Apple quickly snatched Sophie's words, looked at Tong Yuxin and snorted coldly: "Miss Tong, please go back and tell your husband and your friends that a gentleman is married and has a husband. If you want to make trouble here again, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Ha ha ha, married?!" Sophie seemed to hear an extremely funny joke.

"Don't miss Tong know who I marry very well?"

Zijun stared at Tong Yuxin's slightly pale face and said coldly, "Miss Tong, please tell your cousin who my husband is!"

Sophie felt something was wrong. Her smiling face gradually stiffened. Then she looked sideways at Tong Yuxin and asked, "cousin, is she really married?"

Tong Yuxin nodded, then stepped forward and whispered to his son Jun, "aunt two, she will be a family in the future. Feifei is young and not sensible. Don't talk to her."

"Wait!" Sophie immediately stopped Tong Yuxin, who had not finished speaking, and asked with a gloomy face, "cousin, what did you just call her?"

Tong Yuxin hesitated a little before opening his mouth: "Feifei, stop it. Zhang Zijun married his second uncle. She is my second aunt now."

"What?" Sophie was surprised. Her eyes almost stared out of her eyes. It took a long time to scream: "it's not true, brother Zhenyu. How can brother Zhenyu see a woman like her?"

"You have to ask Tong Zhenyu about this!" Zijun looked at her coldly and said, "would you please get out of the way? You stop here. The waiter can't come and order for us."

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