When Zhao Rong and Tong Zhenyu left, Zhang Tianqian went into Zijun's room and said to Zijun, who was reading at the head of the bed, "you child, you have suffered so much, and you don't tell me if you have an abortion?"

Zijun's face flushed slightly, put down the book, lowered his head and said shyly, "Dad, I'm not. I'm afraid you'll scold me."

"Afraid I'll scold you?" Zhang Tianqian glared at her: "you're not afraid that I'll scold you even more when I know later?"

"I." Zijun didn't know what to say. He stared at his father: "Dad, how do you know?"

"I also said that if I hadn't met Xu Ruoxi when I went to the hospital for review yesterday, I wouldn't know you had an abortion." Zhang Tianqian stared at Zijun: "you're hiding everything from me?"

"What, you met Xu Ruoxi?" Zijun was surprised and looked at his father with wide eyes: "Dad, are you wrong?"

"I was really wrong," Zhang Tianqian admitted truthfully. "I checked it out in the hospital yesterday afternoon. As soon as I got out of the outpatient department, I saw a person coming down from a car in the parking lot. Because it was far away and there was a back, I thought it was you. I wonder if you came back before your business trip."

Yesterday afternoon, Zhang Tianqian saw Xu Ruoxi's back in the hospital parking lot and mistakenly thought it was Zijun who came back early from a business trip, so he hurried up a few steps, stared at the back and shouted: "Zijun, you came back early from a business trip?"

Xu Ruoxi turned around and was a little stunned when she saw Zhang Tianqian. Then she smiled and said, "sorry, you recognize the wrong person. I'm not Zhang Zijun, but your daughter Zhang Zijun shouldn't be on a business trip? She just had a miscarriage. How could Tong Zhenyu let her go on a business trip?"

Miscarriage? Zhang Tianqian roared in his brain, and then involuntarily recalled the snow dyed skirt under Zijun after Wu Yuling defeated Zijun that night.

Seeing Zhang Tianqian, Xu Ruoxi was stunned and couldn't help sarcastic. "Unexpectedly, your good girl was also a shameless woman. She was pregnant with a wild seed before she got married. I don't know who she was pregnant with."

Before Xu Ruoxi's words were finished, Zhang Tianqian raised his hand and ruthlessly slapped Xu Ruoxi in the face, and then said with a cold hum: "my daughter doesn't want face anymore. She only followed Tong Zhenyu from beginning to end. I don't know what it means to be a social flower like you?"

Xu Ruoxi was immediately stunned by Zhang Tianqian's slap. She didn't react at once. When she reacted, Zhang Tianqian had turned and walked away.

I didn't expect my father to meet Xu Ruoxi when he went to the hospital for review. What's more, Xu Ruoxi was caught by the Public Security Bureau. How did he let it out?

Xu Ruoxi is the principal offender this time, and neither she nor Lu Ruidong plans to let her go, so she is sure that Xu Ruoxi will not go to jail for two or three years, but will have to sit for a year and a half.

But who knows, Xu Ruoxi was released in only one week?

After his father went out, Zhang Zijun immediately took his mobile phone and called Lu Ruidong to confirm the authenticity of the matter to him.

"Xu Ruoxi and Sophie were released," Lu Ruidong told her truthfully on the phone: "they stayed in the Public Security Bureau for two nights and were not sent to the detention center."

"How could it be like this?" Zijun asked, "is it difficult to sentence them so quickly, and the judge thinks they are not guilty?"

"It was the two waiters who took all the blame," Lu Ruidong said simply on the phone.

"Why is the waiter so stupid?" Zijun, who didn't respond, asked.

Lu Ruidong on the other side of the phone couldn't help laughing: "the waiter is naturally not a fool. If it's not profitable, how can they do such a thing?"

have good prospects of gain? Zijun finally understood. After all, money can make ghosts grind. It is estimated that the two waiters took a lot of money and were willing to be the main culprit.

After hanging up Lu Ruidong's phone, she smiled bitterly. Lu Ruidong almost lost her life, and she lost her baby. Finally, Xu Ruoxi and Sophie could still get away with it.


Here, Lu Ruidong hung up Zijun's phone, then looked at Xu Zhengming on the sofa and said, "just now Zhang Zijun called, she was very dissatisfied with your granddaughter Miss Xu Ruoxi's sudden change from the principal offender to innocence. Therefore, I can't help you as a lobbyist and let her do bone marrow matching with your son."

"If Xi let it out, it's not the face I grew with Yun," Xu Zhengming hurriedly explained: "if Xi was brought out by her mother looking for a lawyer outside, I don't allow her to go to the hospital now. That granddaughter, she broke my heart, and I don't recognize her."

"Really don't recognize it?" Lu Ruidong turned his eyes and asked quietly.

"I really don't recognize it," Xu Zhengming looked at Lu Ruidong and said, "Xiao Dong, come back to the Xu family. The Xu family is your real home. It's not so good to float outside alone."

"The key is... What identity will I come back?" Lu Ruidong raised his mouth slightly and mocked: "the identity of illegitimate son? Even if I come back, I can't see the light."

"This." Xu Zhengming was stunned immediately. He just wanted to let the grandson come back. As for how to come back, he didn't think well.

"You can come back, but you must come back fair and aboveboard!" Lu Ruidong coldly left this sentence, turned and walked towards the door.

Seeing that Lu Ruidong was leaving, Xu Zhengming quickly asked, "what kind of fair and bright law?"

"At least let the outside world know that my mother used to be Xu Yunchang's wife. At least let the outside world know that I am Xu Yunchang's eldest son, and I am the legitimate eldest son."

Lu Ruidong went to the gate of the hospital and looked back at Xu Zhengming and said, "these two are indispensable!"

After saying this, she opened the gate and went out. Unexpectedly, Wu Yuling was standing outside the gate with a cold, black and calm face. It is estimated that Wu Yuling heard what he just said to the old man.

"Mrs. Xu," Lu Ruidong looked at Wu Yuling coldly, "you really have enough means. You can get your daughter out of such a big mistake. You must still have a way to help her get rid of her crime next time she kills someone?"

Wu Yuling was unhappy and couldn't help shouting, "Lu Ruidong, what do you mean? Did my Ruoxi kill you? Don't frame up casually?"

"Your precious daughter didn't kill me, but she killed the child in Zijun's belly," Lu Ruidong pointed out sharply: "can you say that the child in Zijun's belly is not a life?"

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