Zijun took the subway back to Zhang's house. Because it's a holiday tomorrow, the road is already full of cars. She estimates that she can't get home in two hours if she takes a taxi.

Although the subway is crowded, but the speed is still block. In less than an hour, she will go to the community where her home is located.

As soon as I got to the door of the community, I met Zhang tiangraben who hurried out of the community.

"Dad, it's so late. Where are you going?" Zijun looked at his father with a little surprise.

"Just now your aunt Zhao called and said that a patient with type O Rh negative blood in the second hospital needed blood transfusion, and I happened to be this blood type, so I went to the second hospital to donate blood." Zhang Tianqian said naturally.

"Dad, you are in poor health and still taking medicine. What blood are you going to donate?" Zijun immediately stopped him: "Dad, let's go home. Naturally, someone else will donate blood."

"But what if no one else goes?" Zhang Tianqian shook his head and said, "listen to your aunt Zhao, it's hard to ask for this blood type from the society now, and I'm this blood type. How can I live with my conscience if I don't go?"

"Dad, your blood type is type O blood, but it's not a rare blood type," Zijun continued to advise: "type O blood is the most. Maybe a lot of people are waiting in line for blood test when you go."

"In that case, we'll come back," Zhang Tianqian said with a smile at his daughter. "Let's go and see if it's better for someone to donate blood. If there's no one, ask the doctor to see if my blood can be donated?"

"Dad, there's a traffic jam on the road. When did we get there?"

Zijun only thinks the first two are big. She doesn't understand why Xu Ruoxi wants to cut her wrists and commit suicide, and why Wu Yuling's blood can't be lost to Xu Ruoxi.

"Let's take the subway," Zhang Tianqian advised his daughter in turn. "Although the subway is crowded, there is no traffic jam and no traffic lights. It should arrive in half an hour."

"Zhang Zijun didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhang Tianqian grabbed her wrist and said, "Zijun, go with me. There are many people on the subway. Wait, I'm afraid the air is not circulating and dizzy."

"Dad, I don't know if I can squeeze into the subway at the moment," Zijun continued to hesitate. "Why don't we go there tomorrow?"

"What's the difference between going tomorrow and not going?" Zhang Tianqian immediately stared at her: "what's the matter with you, child? Didn't I teach you to be helpful since childhood? Didn't I teach you to be in a hurry? Now people are waiting for blood to help, but you're procrastinating here. If no one donates blood to her, can she wait until tomorrow morning?"

"At this moment, Zhang Zijun was completely speechless when questioned by his father.

Zhang Tianqian insists on going to the hospital. Zijun has no choice but to accompany her father. She can't let her father who will be dizzy at any time take the subway alone, can she?

The subway is still crowded, but Zijun is together. Although he is standing, Zijun still tries to keep his father from being crowded, and even tries to make a small space for his father.

Along the way, Zijun kept praying. There were many good people in this society. When she and her father arrived, several people were waiting to donate blood to Xu Ruoxi at the door of the emergency room.

However, in fact, when they arrived at the hospital, the door of the emergency room of the hospital was very cold. Only Xu Yunchang and his wife, Cheng Shaoxiang and Xu Yunchang's current nurse, Zhao Rong, were here, and there were no redundant people.

Zijun was surprised and couldn't help asking, "aunt Zhao, haven't you come to donate blood yet?"

With Zijun's question, Wu Yuling, who was staring nervously at the door of the emergency room, turned her head. When she saw Zhang Tianqian around Zijun, her face was as white as paper in an instant, even her dead heart.

Compared with Wu Yuling's pale face, Xu Yunchang's original gray face was gloomy at this time. He stared at the thin Zhang Tianqian and immediately clicked in his heart.

Zhao Rong didn't notice Xu Yunchang's face. She just truthfully reported: "a young man just came, but after the blood test, he didn't meet the requirement to donate blood to Miss Xu, so she left."

"Miss Xu donates blood?" Zhang Tianqian was immediately stunned. She looked at Wu Yuling, whose face was white, and asked Zhao Rong, "which Miss Xu?"

"It's Minister Xu's daughter," Zhao Rong continued. "Mr. Zhang, go to the laboratory to have a blood test. The doctor just came out and said that Miss Xu is in urgent need of blood transfusion, otherwise it's difficult to wake up."

Xu Yunchang and Wu Yuling's daughter? Zhang Tianqian immediately opened his eyes and turned to ask Zijun around him, "what's going on?"

Zijun looked helpless. She had advised her father not to come before. He had to come. Now he has arrived at the hospital, and what she said is superfluous.

"Miss Xu seems to have committed suicide by cutting her wrist. I heard that she lost too much blood, so she needs blood transfusion," Zijun simply explained to her father: "Dad, you're not in good health, or..."

Before Zijun's words were finished, the nurse in the emergency room had come out. Seeing Zhang Tianqian, he asked, "nurse Zhao just said that she informed a gentleman with O-type Rh negative blood. Is that you?"

These words have been asked to the mouth, and Zhao Ronggang has just talked to Zhang Tianqian. If he denies it, it will appear too hypocritical.

So Zhang Tianqian nodded hard: "yes, but I had a car accident a few months ago. I don't know."

"It's all right," the nurse smiled and comforted him. "As long as you are well now, we won't draw too much blood. We're mainly worried that Miss Xu won't wake up because she was unconscious for several years, so now we have to prevent this from happening."

Since the nurses have said so, Zhang Tianqian will look too disgraceful if he doesn't go for a blood test. After all, people have arrived here, and turning around and leaving is not what he can do as a people's teacher.

"Dad, you are in poor health, and now you are taking medicine," Zijun was a little anxious when he saw that his father was going to have a blood test, so he couldn't help reminding him.

The nurse smiled at Zijun's words and hurriedly comforted her: "Miss Zhang, you are all people who have donated blood. Naturally, you know the truth of donating blood to save people, don't you?"

"Zijun was silent immediately. Now it's so difficult to ride a tiger. There's no way. He can only harden his head and send his father to the laboratory for blood test.

Zhang Tianqian was still drawing blood. Zijun's cell phone rang. It was Tong Zhenyu. She hurried to one side to answer the phone.

"Zijun, where are you?" Tong Zhenyu's voice came a little anxious: "your house didn't turn on the light and no one opened the door when you rang the doorbell. Aren't you and your father at home?"

"No, I'm in the hospital with my father," Zijun said roughly about his situation in the hospital.

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