Zijun looked straight at Yi Changning and said solemnly, "I don't know if you have protection. I only know that the two waiters don't know me and Lu Ruidong. They didn't frame me and Lu Ruidong, that's all."

Yi Changning nodded: "yes, this is what you know, not what the outside world knows, nor what the police and judges know. As a lawyer, his duty is to try to help his client get rid of the charges and make his client try not to be sentenced or detained."

"You mean, you did it right?" Zijun frowned and disagreed with Yi Changning's words.

"From a lawyer's point of view, I'm not wrong."

Yi Changning's eyes did not dodge: "the so-called taking money to eliminate disasters for others, not to mention putting the responsibility on the same group of criminals as far as possible is a common thing. If you are a lawyer, you will also let your client do so. Any lawyer can think of this method."

"In that case, you've done a good job." Zijun doesn't want to talk with Yi Changning anymore. After all, people want to make money by opening a law firm.

Well done? Yi Changning smiled bitterly, looked at her and said, "because our careers are different, we may have different understanding of one thing, but I said I wanted to call you today, not to say it."

"Well, do you have anything else to say to me?" Zijun frowned again, vaguely feeling that Yi Changning was going to say about his father.

Sure enough, I heard Yi Changning say, "I've been on a business trip for several days. I heard Sihan say that your father's case is going to be overturned at noon today. I heard that witnesses have been found. This was originally a good thing."

"This is certainly a good thing." Zhang Zijun thought Yi Changning was funny. Who would like to be wronged as a criminal.

"But many facts, the good things you foresee are not really good things," Yi Changning looked at Zhang Zijun meaningfully. "From the perspective of lawyers, I certainly hope your father's case can be investigated to the end and the real criminals can be found out."

Yi Changning paused here, and then said in a low voice, "but from the perspective of friends, Zhang Zijun, I hope you advise your father to stop and don't overturn the case. Maybe it's better for your father and daughter."

"Why?" Zijun was more and more puzzled and looked at Yi Changning with wide eyes.

"Because the container truck driver is dead, to put it bluntly, the container truck is the culprit, but he is dead. What can he do if the case is turned over? Let the container truck driver take full responsibility? But the container truck driver is a person who has been released from prison for only half a year, and his family are poor in rural areas, so it is estimated that he can't afford to pay compensation."

"My father overturned the case not to recover the compensation," Zijun replied solemnly: "my father is a teacher and a special grade teacher. He can't carry the reputation of a criminal. He also wants to go to the podium again and stand in front of his students again and have a bright class."

At last, Zijun was a little excited. Thinking of the accusation carried by her father, she felt uncomfortable for a while.

After listening to her so excited words, Yi Changning was silent for a while and then said, "your starting point is good, but I always feel that the accident case is not so simple, especially the death of the container truck driver."

Yi Changning paused here for a long time before he said, "if it's really just an ordinary car accident, it's easy to do, but I'm worried that the event is not so simple. If someone really manipulates it in the back, you'll have to overturn the case, which is estimated to bring you more trouble, maybe, and disaster."

Will overturning the case bring disaster? This really frightened Zijun. He immediately asked back: "Yi Changning, do you know anything?"

"I don't know anything," Yi Changning said with a smile. "I just have a lot of experience in the case and make random guesses. As for your father's case, no one knows whether it is like this. After all, I don't know whether your parents have enemies or not."

personal enemy? Zijun immediately clicked in his heart. Somehow, Wu Yuling's face jumped out of his mind.


Tong Zhenyu came back from work. As soon as he opened the door and came in, he smelled the food. He deliberately made a mouth watering move and shouted, "it's great to have a wife at home."

Zijun, sitting on the sofa and turning over the TV, glanced at him: "it's just cooking a meal. Your nanny is better than me. I don't know how many times."

"How can the nanny compare with her wife?" Tong Zhenyu came over and bent down to kiss her on the cheek: "the food cooked by her wife is a love dinner, which is full of love."

If it was to heaven, Zijun was still in the mood to flirt with him, but after meeting Yi Changning this afternoon, Zijun was inexplicably flustered, so he didn't even flirt at the moment.

"What's the matter? Something on your mind?" Tong Zhenyu noticed something wrong with Zhang Zijun, sat down beside her, took her hand and groped in her hand.

"I met Yi Changning this afternoon," Zijun said truthfully.

"Well," said Tong Zhenyu, who immediately clicked in his heart, but remained calm on his face. He continued to ask softly, "did you talk to him? What did he say to you?"

"He said that it might be better for my father's case not to be overturned than overturned. He said that he handled many cases. My father's case seemed ordinary, but it was strange." Zijun told Tong Zhenyu what Yi Changning said to her.

Tong Zhenyu frowned. He didn't know when Zhang Tianqian had a car accident at that time, because he and Zhang Zijun had divorced at that time, and Zhang Zijun had gone to study abroad, so he didn't pay attention to Zhang Tianqian and his wife. Moreover, Zhang Tianqian and his wife didn't want to see him at that time.

He learned about Zhang Tianqian's car accident later. At that time, the car accident cases had been closed. He thought of an ordinary car accident. Moreover, Zhang Zijun's father did not have a driver's license, so he never doubted the car accident case.

Even if Zhang Tianqian said he was not retrograde, he thought it was Zhang Tianqian because his head was badly damaged and his memory was confused.

But with Zhang Huaqing's memory and narration, he really began to believe that Zhang Tianqian was not retrograde, and the main person in charge of the accident was not him, but the container truck.

But now, hearing Zijun say that Yi Changning said such words, he immediately became vigilant. Yi Changning is a lawyer. He has experienced many cases, and there must be many traffic accident cases.

"I know," Tong Zhenyu's hand instinctively clenched Zijun's hand and looked at her carefully: "give it to me. I'll let someone investigate the container truck driver. I must get the matter out to see if someone is really manipulating behind the scenes. What's the purpose?"

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