Zijun and Tong Zhenyu returned home after breakfast because they were going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a marriage certificate, and a series of documents such as her Hukou ID card were still at home.

At more than nine o'clock in the morning, Tong Zhenyu's car drove into the community where Zhang's family is located. When Zijun pushed open the door, he turned to Tong Zhenyu in the cab and said, "you don't have to get off. I'll get up and get my certificate and come down. At this time, my father should be watering his flowers."

Zhang Tianqian was bored at home all day since he knew he was temporarily unable to go to work. In addition to looking for evidence of the car accident, he watered the flowers on the balcony raised by Shao Meizhen.

In fact, before Zhang Tianqian woke up, Zijun was busy with his illness. The flowers on the balcony almost withered. Later, he gradually raised them back after he came back.

Zijun was sure that his father was at home at this time, so he went directly to the building, patted the door and shouted, "Dad, open the door for me."

She thought her father didn't hear it on the balcony and increased the strength of knocking, but there was still no sound in the room.

Instead of knocking on the door of her own house, she knocked on the door of the next door neighbor's house. When she saw it, she immediately said, "Zijun, your father went out this morning. Don't you have a key?"

"I went downstairs early in the morning and forgot," Zijun lied with a red face. "Did my father say where he went?"

"I didn't say that," the neighbor shook his head and said, "I saw him go downstairs with your brother."

"My brother?" Zijun was a little stunned and reacted. It should be Lin Chengfei.

In the past, when she fell in love with Lin Chengfei, Lin Chengfei often came to her house, and the next door neighbor also knew him. Zhang Tianqian said Lin Chengfei was his adopted son, so the neighbor said Lin Chengfei was Zijun's brother.

"Would you like to come to my house?" the neighbor warmly invited, "your father may go out to do something. Should he come back before noon?"

"No, thank you. I'd better go to work first." Zijun thanked his neighbor, then turned and walked downstairs.

"My father went out with Lin Chengfei. I don't know what to do," Zijun said to Tong Zhenyu in the car. "It seems that we can't get a marriage certificate again this morning."

"With Lin Chengfei?" Tong Zhenyu frowned slightly. "Then you call your father and ask where he is now? Maybe it's nearby. He came back and opened the door. You took your certificate and we had time to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Zijun nodded and took out his mobile phone to dial his father's number. The phone was soon connected and was picked up after a few rings; "Zijun?"

"Dad, where are you?" Zijun said naturally.

"I'm outside. Cheng Fei helped me find an original witness and took me to meet the man." Zhang Tianqian's voice came from his mobile phone: "Zijun, aren't you at work? Why do you want to call me?"

"I have a rest this morning and want to come back to get my certificate and Tong Zhenyu to apply for a marriage certificate," Zhang Zijun said truthfully: "I went out too early in the morning and forgot to bring my key."

She was embarrassed to let her father know. In fact, she was awakened by Tong Zhenyu at 3 a.m. and then went downstairs to elope with him.

"Oh, well, that's me." as soon as Zhang Tianqian said this, a harsh scream came from his mobile phone, and then Zhang Tianqian's startled voice: "ah."

"Dad, what's the matter?" Zijun asked nervously. She obviously heard the panic in Zhang Tianqian's scream.

But there was no sound from the mobile phone. Zhang Tianqian's mobile phone didn't know whether it was dead or what was going on. Zijun hung up and dialed again, but it was a prompt tone of shutdown.

"What's the matter?" Tong Zhenyu saw that Zhang Zijun's face had changed and immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"My father and Lin Chengfei went to see the witness. They were still talking to me, but they said." Zijun was so nervous that he was trembling and said something about the situation on the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange for someone to check what's going on," Tong Zhenyu quickly took out his mobile phone and asked when he called, "do you know where your father is now? Even the approximate location?"

"I don't know," Zijun cried anxiously. "I only know that he is with Lin Chengfei, and then I heard him scream 'ah'."

"Did they drive?" Tong Zhenyu also became nervous: "was there an accident?"

Referring to the accident, Zijun instinctively got scared, shook his head and said in a trembling voice, "I don't know. I just forgot to ask my father. I knew I should have called him before going downstairs."

"Where do you know so much in the world?" Tong Zhenyu comforted her in turn: "don't scare yourself first. Maybe nothing happened, but your father's mobile phone fell off? You quickly call Lin Chengfei and ask where they are now?"

Call Lin Chengfei? Zijun suddenly reacted, but when she took out her mobile phone, she was stunned again. She didn't remember Lin Chengfei's number.

"I don't know Lin Chengfei's current mobile phone number?" she looked at Tong Zhenyu like a Ling on her face.

"As far as I know, it seems that Lin Chengfei hasn't changed his mobile phone number for several years," Tong Zhenyu reminded.

"I... I don't remember his previous mobile phone number." Zijun looked at Tong Zhenyu helplessly: "I don't have a good memory."

In fact, she used to remember Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number, but since she came back from a trip to Britain, she may not have much contact with Lin Chengfei, so she can't remember the back except the first three 138 numbers.

When did she forget Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number? She doesn't know!

Listening to her, I don't remember Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number. Tong Zhenyu bent his mouth slightly towards both sides and pulled out a beautiful arc.

She can't remember Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number. It's good, which proves that he has been around her in recent months. At least she has forgotten Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number.

So, as long as he continues to work hard, it seems not impossible for her to gradually forget Lin Chengfei.

Zijun doesn't remember Lin Chengfei's phone number, but Tong Zhenyu soon helped her find it again. After all, Lin Chengfei's current wife Tong Yuxin is Tong Zhenyu's niece.

To get Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number, Tong Zhenyu didn't tell Zhang Zijun or ask Zhang Zijun to call Lin Chengfei, but he dialed Lin Chengfei's mobile phone number with his mobile phone.

Soon, Lin Chengfei's phone was connected. When Tong Zhenyu heard Lin Chengfei's "hello", he immediately asked, "Lin Chengfei, where did you take my father-in-law?"

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