Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1005: That person must be you too (56)

"Yes, I have something!"

Mu Chuqing frowned, "What's the matter?"

"I haven't eaten breakfast..."

Sheng Yuchen stared at her closely. The face that had just been cleaned and taken care of after the early morning was the most hydrated time. The clean and white skin was illuminated by the light outside the door, with a little dim and crystal light, and it looked beautiful. Up.

In fact, if you look closely, her face still has the outline of the previous five points.

"What did you care about me if you didn't eat breakfast?!" Mu Chuqing pursed her lips, raised her head and looked at Sheng Yuchen's face coldly. On that handsome and gentle face, the tiredness could not be concealed, with eyes glooming. blue.

There was something strange in his heart, and his eyes closed from his face.

"I will borrow some breakfast from you!"

The corners of Mu Chuqing's mouth twitched imperceptibly, her black eyes trembled twice, and finally she lowered her head and bit her lip.

Borrow breakfast?

Sheng Yuchen, you can think of such a low-level reason!

Looking down, I saw Sheng Yuchen's pair of high-end leather shoes and brand-new finely crafted high-end trousers. The corners of his lips were hooked. Finally, he raised his head and looked at him again.

"Are all the restaurants in Fucheng closed down?"



"You will be late for work!"

Sheng Yuchen kindly reminded Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing's face changed, looking at Sheng Yuchen as he planned to continue the stalemate with her.

Glancing at him coldly, turned his body sideways.

"come in!"

Sheng Yuchen stepped into the door and watched Mu Chuqing walking in front of him. The beige waist pinch suit wrapped her slender waist, and her slender and straight legs were wrapped in the same-color hip skirt.

Although this dress is a serious and upright professional wear, it better reflects the advantages of her figure.

Sheng Yuchen was extremely unhappy, but Mu Chuqing had already taken out the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen, filled the rice with expressionlessly, and placed it opposite her.

Sheng Yuchen sat down across from her, her black eyes still staring at Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing still ate calmly and calmly, she noticed Sheng Yuchen's eyes, and ignored it.

She stretched out her chopsticks to clamp the pickles in the center of the table, her eyelids drooped, her long eyelashes moved with her eyelids, but the curvature of the curls could still be seen. The diamond-shaped lips moved slightly because of chewing, elegant and calm.

"Have you seen enough? I'm going out soon. Let's walk around after eating!"

Mu Chuqing said abruptly, but didn't even lift her eyelids.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes flickered, picking up his chopsticks and stirring the meal in front of him.

"Chuqing, six years ago, I...not going to explain to you."

Mu Chuqing held the chopsticks tightly, and looked up at Sheng Yuchen with cold eyes.

"This is the decision you made this week."

Sheng Yuchen put down the chopsticks in his hand and raised his eyes to look at her, with deep pain and determination floating in his deep eyes.

He sighed for a long time, and finally let it out.

The body that had been tight just now was now leaning on the back of the chair behind him. He put one hand in front of the dining table and the other on his lap. His black eyes stared at the bright-colored eight-treasure porridge in the bowl in front of him, unable to see his expression clearly.

"I do not know how to describe."

"It seems that everything is wrong. Because in the end it is you who suffer the most!"

"..." Mu Chuqing's eyes trembled, and her lips moved, trying to say something.

However, Sheng Yuchen continued to say, "However, if things happen again, I think I still have to choose to keep you away from me..."

"Sheng Yuchen!"

"Chuqing, listen to me."

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