Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1007: That person must be you too (58)

"Yu Feng, when did you come here?"

Mu Chuqing asked in surprise.

Li Yufeng walked in from the door, stopped behind Mu Chuqing, stood on one side, and put one hand on Mu Chuqing's shoulder.

Li Yufeng looked at Sheng Yuchen coldly, then curled his lips in disdain.

"If she doesn't come back, what will happen to you?"

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and Mu Chuqing's heart also suffered a sudden pain.

"You will be in love with Jiang Mengrijiu, whom you have doted on for two years, or maybe another woman, but she can't be the only one. You live a happy life, but she has to be alone in the memory of the past. I won’t say much about everything, just talk about recently, since she came back, what have you done to her?"

"Yu Feng..."

Li Yufeng didn't give her a chance to speak, and pulled her up from the chair.

"Mu Chuqing, from today, you will come back to my apartment with me!"

"But..." Mu Chuqing looked at Sheng Yuchen who also stood up, with a worrisome eyebrow.

Li Yufeng looked at Mu Chuqing, the Rin Li in his eyes was something Mu Chuqing had never seen before.

Li Yufeng pulled Mu Chuqing, and walked out without saying a word.

"What? Yu Feng!"

"Back to my apartment!"

Sheng Yuchen stood in front of Li Yufeng with a grim face.

"Sheng Yuchen, get out of the way, you are not qualified to stand in front of me and hinder me now. Regarding our Li family, it is not the turn of an outsider to take care of my business!"

As Li Yufeng said, the corner of his lips evoked a curve of evil, pushing Sheng Yuchen away, and dragging Mu Chuqing away forcibly.

Until Mu Chuqing was stuffed into the car by Li Yufeng, she still complained.

"Yu Feng, what are you doing?!"

With a "bang", Li Yufeng got into the driving position and closed the door forcefully.

Li Yufeng was angry now. He sat in the car and sighed for a long time. He calmed down and said as smoothly as possible:

"Mu Chuqing, what about your backbone and dignity? Look at what you are now? What did you just want to do? If I didn't stop it, did you just agree to him so easily and be with him? "

"Is it not possible? What is easy? Yu Feng, he and I are not easy! Do you know what we missed between us?!"

Mu Chuqing was a little out of control. After so many years, no matter how painful and painful, she has experienced so much, why can't she be with him?

Li Yufeng seemed to be suppressed by Mu Chuqing's roar, was silent for two seconds, and started the car.

"Yu Feng..."

"Mu Chuqing, now you are really cheap and look down upon!"

Mu Chuqing choked suddenly, looking at Li Yufeng with some sluggish eyes.

Cheap... despised?

"Mu Chuqing, to be a woman, you don't need to be too sensible. No matter who is right or wrong, even if it's your fault, you shouldn't change it for you!"

"People of the Li family, my sister of Li Yufeng, what's wrong with the waywardness?! If he can't bear your waywardness, then don't let him! Mu Chuqing, you give me the backbone, don't shrink so much!"

Mu Chuqing leaned on the back seat of the car and covered her eyes with her hands, tears streaming from her fingers.

Yes, she has lost herself in this relationship.

Yu Feng appeared in time and gave her a hand.

Cheap ones look down on?

She was really seeking for perfection, leaving everything behind.

"Mu Chuqing, show your confidence! You have to believe that without him, you will live well, and without you, he will regret your whole life..."

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