Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1016: Be self-willed (7)

So when everyone saw Li Yufeng, they inevitably made a sensation.

Sheng Yuchen slowly fastened the buttons and retracted the leg that was between Mu Chuqing's legs.

Standing behind him, Li Yufeng was angry when he saw Sheng Yuchen's calm, indifferent posture.

"Come with me!"

Li Yufeng stepped forward, took Mu Chuqing's hand and walked out!

Mu Chuqing looked back at Sheng Yuchen. She thought he would stop it, but she didn't expect that he just turned around, with a calm smile on his face.

Mu Chuqing frowned, and an unnamed fire in his heart started again!

However, when Li Yufeng pulled Mu Chuqing out of the store, a crowd of people rushed up at the door, black clothes and red collars, and hand-stitched flame tiger heads on the left chest and back.

The inner three floors and the outer three floors blocked the entire store.

Li Yufeng's handsome face was full of anger, and his entire popularity trembled as he watched the crowd in front of him.

Knowing that Sheng Yuchen would come, but he didn't expect to come so aggressively.

Half a "snap tiger" team!

With such a big pomp, he is not afraid of being targeted!

The whole scene was lined up in a long queue, and the crowds onlookers were even denser. What's more, people directly took photos, recorded videos and uploaded Weibo, Moments, and uploaded various public platforms.

Mu Chuqing watched this scene in astonishment, but couldn't react.

Sheng Yuchen sorted out his suit and walked out of the shop.

Pulling Mu Chuqing out of Li Yufeng's arms, she wrapped her arms around her waist.

Then looking at Li Yufeng, Jun Jun's calm face was smiling:

"Has it been enough? Brother-in-law!"

"Little... brother-in-law?"



All the onlookers around have exploded!

Mr. Sheng is the brother-in-law of Li Yingdi?

Isn't Li Yingdi's sister, Mr. Sheng's ex-wife, dead already? !

"Who is your brother-in-law!"

Li Yufeng stared at him with a pair of handsome faces, looking at Sheng Yuchen, wishing to push him to the ground, and forcefully beat the particularly owed face on his face into a pig's head!

Everyone was particularly puzzled. They really didn't know what the former brother-in-law and the former brother-in-law were fighting over?

Fight for women?

Isn't that woman the rumored girlfriend of King Li?

Now that Mr. Sheng is holding him affectionately in his arms?

What do you mean?

Sheng Yuchen had an expression of an old god, facing Li Yufeng's obvious gunpowder keg, he didn't know how calm and quiet he was.

Just when everyone had a black question mark face above their heads, three people walked out of the center of "Chihu".

The left wing and the right wing are on the left and right, and in the middle is a cute little girl carved in pink jade.

Three people stood in front. The little girl was dressed in a snow-white veil, with delicate fish-bone braids slanting on her shoulders. Her small face was fair and bright, and her big eyes were piercing and gleaming, flashing this bright light. Standing there proudly and arrogantly, his small body has an overwhelming aura that can not be ignored!


Mu Chuqing raised her head and screamed, Doudou with a triumphant smile on her face, and her smart eyes with thick cunning.


Doudou screamed sweetly at Li Yufeng.

The expression on Li Yufeng’s face was slightly loosened, but within a second, when Li Yufeng just realized that something was wrong, and before he had time to stop it, Doudou had turned his head and shouted at Mu Chuqing in a crisp and sweet voice. :


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