Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1019: Be self-willed (10)

Sorry, I waved away,

Trust me, promised the future.

Mu Chuqing understands.

Sheng Yuchen's arms are strong and strong, and the solid touch from his chest proves that he is full of strength. Even though he is separated from the suit fabric, Mu Chuqing still feels the security of the generous and hard chest.

Buried quietly in front of Sheng Yuchen's chest, his head seemed a little stuffy like hypoxia because of tears just now.

I don't want to think about it too much. Now she just feels that all the vague feelings that have been buried in her heart for so many years are rolling and crashing in her heart, overwhelmed, too tired, too tired.

Sheng Yuchen hugged her tightly, and then let go of her for a long time. The distance between the two of them was only a slight difference, "Shall we go home?"

Mu Chuqing's eyelashes trembled lightly, she suddenly leaned back, and finally raised her eyes and looked at Sheng Yuchen.

"How do you know that I will come on a blind date today?"

Sheng Yuchen curled his lips, raised his head and dropped a kiss on Mu Chuqing's smooth forehead, with a rippling sound in his voice, and smiled:

"Doudo told me."

Mu Chuqing pouted, "You betrayed your daughter like this?"

Sheng Yuchen raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to pinch Mu Chuqing's face punitively, "Then you mean, do you want me to lie?"

Mu Chuqing glanced at him faintly, then turned around and saw a well-known jewelry store on the opposite street.

The mood immediately became depressed, "I could have harvested a necklace today..."

Mu Chuqing was depressed, melancholy, and full of disappointment.

Sheng Yuchen's handsome face full of gentleness gradually stiffened, and his tone was full of contempt and sarcasm.

"Platinum diamonds, do you look good at them? When did I let you wear that cheap thing?"

Mu Chuqing glanced at him, "Yes! When did you wear such a cheap thing?"

Sheng Yuchen paused, Mu Chuqing's words were exactly the same as him, but they were still different.

Think about it carefully, for so many years, he did not give her a few pieces of jewelry.

Mu Chuqing did not look at Sheng Yuchen's expression, but sighed again, "Actually, the necklace, although a little finer, is exquisite. It was already mine..."

"Mu Chuqing!" Sheng Yuchen let out a low voice.

"What are you doing?!"

Mu Chuqing glared at Sheng Yuchen. If it weren't for him, the necklace might have been in her own bag. What's wrong with the cheap? Anyway, she still sat with that Mr. Wang for a while. The meeting ceremony is better than anything else. Not strong.

"Dare you try to mention it again?!"

"What can I not dare?!

Mu Chuqing looked at Sheng Yuchen with a smile, her face shrouded in golden curly hair, white and tender, her smile was beautiful and bright, shiningly reflected in Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes, frozen, and then deeply buried in her heart.

He also slightly curled his lips and smiled, lowering her forehead, compromising and softly whispering:

"Well, there is nothing you dare not dare to."

Mu Chuqing narrowed her eyebrows, her long, curly eyelashes drooped, blocking the starry look in her eyes.

The window was slowly lowered, Sheng Yuchen leaned upright and sat on the seat, looking at the left wing waiting in front of the car, and said in a deep voice:

"Left wing, go to the jewelry store."


Upon hearing this, the left wing immediately walked around the front of the car, opened the door of the driver's seat, sat in, and started the car neatly.

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