Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1022: Be self-willed (13)

It is estimated that Sheng Yuchen's mood greatly improved with Ye Anqi's words. During the meal, he actually had two drinks with Lu Zetian and Jing Rui for the first time.

During a dinner, a few people ate and talked for more than an hour, during which the servant added a lot of dishes.

When the meal was about to end, the door of the villa was smashed and the servant hurried to open the door. When everyone looked over, they saw Li Yufeng walking in with a stormy face. .

Doudou was being pulled by him, and the expression on his face was not pretty.

Mu Chuqing was puzzled, got up and walked to Li Yufeng's side, pulled Doudou over, looked at Li Yufeng and said:

"what happened?"

"..." Li Yufeng didn't speak, and gave Mu Chuqing a stare.

Mu Chuqing frowned, looked down at Doudou, and asked Doudou again.

"what happened?"

Doudou curled his lips and said angrily:

"Uncle is lost. I almost took them to BJ. If I didn't find out in time, we don't know where it is now?!"


Mu Chuqing couldn't help but laughed.

She really forgot for a while, that Li Yufeng still had a problem with Lu Chi.

"What do you know? I was going to take you to BJ, dare you say you don't want your Aunt Susu?!"

"I think, but there is no sign of your going?!"

Li Yufeng choked, "I want to surprise you Aunt Susu!"

"Haha, uncle, you surprised me with your success!" Doudou laughed at Li Yufeng in a jealousy!


Li Yufeng didn't speak, standing still in silence, his face gradually calmed down, and his anger was reduced by him.

Just like this, Mu Chuqing and Doudou's heart trembled because of the full of grievance.

Doudou raised her head to look at Mu Chuqing. Mu Chuqing made a color towards her. Doudou's big eyes were full of helplessness. He walked to Li Yufeng and patted Li Yufeng's hand, "I'm sorry, uncle."

"..." Li Yufeng was indifferent.

Doudou twitched his mouth and lowered his head, with a very pitiful tone.

"Uncle, I'm just...hungry."

Li Yufeng's eyes flashed slightly, Doudou saw that he was loose, and hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot:

"Uncle is hungry too, go, let's eat!"

With that said, Doudou pulled Li Yufeng towards the restaurant.

The three people in the dining room had already heard the movement outside. Li Yufeng came in, and when he saw Sheng Yuchen, his relaxed face broke again.

"Stop eating!"

Li Yufeng turned around and left!

"Hey, the big actor Li, President Li. Since he is here, there is no reason to go. Come and have a drink."

Jing Rui seemed to have drunk too much. He stood up and faced Li Yufeng and had no courtesy. He went straight to the prodigal son to meet friends with a drink.

Mu Chuqing also walked in at this time and looked at the awkward Li Yufeng and said, "Eat first, if you have something to eat, you can solve it."

Li Yufeng glanced at her. Although his eyes were fierce, he seemed to have acquiesced to Mu Chuqing's words.

Only when he was full did he have the strength to teach Sheng Yuchen.

Mu Chuqing went to the kitchen and ordered a few more dishes from the chef. When passing by the restaurant, Li Yufeng had a straight face and had already had a drink with Lu Zetian and Jing Rui.

Mu Chuqing stood there, staring at Li Yufeng and rolled her eyes. Sheng Yuchen looked at her sideways. The light in the dining room smudged the golden hair on her head more and more coquettishly, lining the whole person. And beautiful.

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