Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1028: Be self-willed (19)

Seeing Mu Chuqing not speaking, Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows with satisfaction, and then stared at Sheng Yuchen again, the contempt on his face even heavier.

"And you, are you the woman who lives in your house? You have to get it all over."

Sheng Yuchen seemed to have become accustomed to the provocation of this younger brother-in-law. Facing Li Yufeng's cynicism, instead of being angry, he curled his lips and smiled slightly and nodded:

"Well, you are right. But any woman who lives in my house, I will definitely get it all over!"

Li Yufeng's face was ugly, and he glanced at the woman in Sheng Yuchen's arms, but saw that the woman was not only lifeless, but also unnaturally red.

Li Yufeng frowned, and suddenly thought of this villa, for so many years, there has been no other woman.

When he reacted, Li Yufeng felt even more angry!

Is this telling him plainly that he wants to eat Mu Chuqing's tofu? !

This is shameless!

Since he is so shameless, if he keeps on arguing with him, it will be even worse!

He simply turned his attention to the woman in Sheng Yuchen's arms.

"Go back to your room and sleep!"


Mu Chuqing responded in a low voice, broke free from Sheng Yuchen's arms, and left without looking back.

"Remember, it's your own room!" Li Yufeng looked at the black-faced Sheng Yuchen triumphantly, and exclaimed.

"Got it!" Mu Chuqing still didn't look back.

When she walked to the room where she had moved out of the master bedroom and slept before, the door was open, and she didn't know if the servant came to clean it or Sheng Yuchen did it.

As soon as one foot stepped into the door, Li Yufeng's voice came not far away.

"Warning, let me take her away tomorrow!"

"If I don't!"

"Then I will give up another fifty elites. I think you still have fewer fists in these two days!"

Mu Chuqing retreated from the door and looked at them.

"What do you look at, go back to sleep!" Li Yufeng seemed to have long eyes and ears. He obviously didn't look at her, but could find her standing here looking at them.

Mu Chuqing pursed her lips, glanced at Sheng Yuchen lightly, and finally walked into the room and closed the door.

Li Yufeng turned his head and glared at Sheng Yuchen again, and finally closed the door with a bang.

For the eight hundredth time, Sheng Yuchen wanted to tie Li Yufeng's servant to a tree branch and hung it up and lashed him fiercely!

Unfortunately, no!

My uncle, he's a **** father too!

Striding to Mu Chuqing's room, raising his hand to knock on the door, he took it back.

The deep eyebrows were narrowed, and he couldn't see his expression clearly, and he turned and left.

In fact, Mu Chuqing had been leaning against the door, his ears could clearly hear his footsteps coming from far to near, and he could hear him stopping in front of her door.

It wasn't until he stopped for a moment and left that she exhaled heavily.

But not long after relaxing, Mu Chuqing's face became serious again.


Sheng Yuchen returned to the master bedroom, undressed as soon as he entered the door, and went straight to the bathroom.

The shower didn’t take too long. For more than ten minutes, Sheng Yuchen came out wearing a bathrobe. He drank not too much wine tonight, but it was not too little. I thought it was nothing before, but I just took a hot shower. Come out, it's a face.

Turned over and lay on the bed, just closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while.


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