Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1032: Be self-willed (23)

The nightdress was raised a little bit again. Sheng Yuchen wanted to take it off. Mu Chuqing also wittyly let go of the hand around his neck. You cooperate with him to help him take off the nightdress.

But when Sheng Yuchen grabbed the edge of the skirt again, the phone thrown aside rang...

Sheng Yuchen didn't intend to pay attention, but Mu Chuqing pushed him.

"Go... to answer the phone!"

"No answer!"

No matter what, Sheng Yuchen reached out to lift Mu Chuqing's pajamas again.


Mu Chuqing stretched out her hand and pressed her clothes, not letting him take off, "Is there anything important to call you so late?"

"Regardless of!"


Mu Chuqing sat up from the bed, put down her nightdress, and glanced at Sheng Yuchen's cell phone, which was ringing non-stop.

Sheng Yuchen slammed Mu Chuqing down again, "I want to pick you up!"

Reluctantly, Mu Chuqing stretched his body to reach the phone that had been ringing for a long time, and pressed the answer button for the first time. Seeing that Sheng Yuchen really didn't plan to pick up the phone, she simply opened the phone out.

"Hello, President Sheng... President Sheng?"

There was a clear and beautiful female voice on the phone, I don't know if it was Mu Chuqing's illusion, she could always hear the deep joy and excitement in the woman's mouth.

Sheng Yuchen, who heard the sound, no longer pressed Mu Chuqing as he did just now, but sighed heavily and took the phone to the balcony.

After a while, Sheng Yuchen heard a low voice from the balcony. Mu Chuqing heard a particularly gentle voice. Mu Chuqing didn't understand what she said. If it is too long, she can't hear it completely. You can only hear Sheng Yuchen jumping out from time to time. The word "um" came out.

After talking on the phone for about three or four minutes, when Sheng Yuchen turned and returned to the bedroom with a bit of joy on his face, there was no more Mu Chuqing's shadow on the bed.

He frowned and threw the phone on the bedside table. He wanted to find Mu Chuqing again, but he had already reached the door, bowed his head and muttered for a while, and finally turned and walked towards the bathroom.


The next day, it was Sunday.

Mu Chuqing returned to her room last night, thinking that Sheng Yuchen would come to him after she hung up the phone, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't come over, and didn't know when he fell asleep. Anyway, he slept late.

So she didn't wake up naturally, but was woken up by Li Yufeng's "clang" knock on the door.

As soon as he opened the door with a yawn, Li Yufeng was silent for two seconds, "Mu Chuqing, you..."

Li Yufeng didn't go on, just a "creak" with a strong tooth.

After the last heavy yawn, Mu Chuqing looked up at him, "Something?"

"Mummy, good morning!"

"Good morning, Doudou got up so early!" Mu Chuqing lowered her head and reached out to touch Doudou's head.

"No, it's early! Mu Chuqing, hurry up and wash me home! You..."

Sheng Yuchen roared loudly, pointed his finger at Mu Chuqing's neck, suffocating in his throat, unable to send it.

After Mu Chuqing realized, she lowered her head and glanced at her chest, and found that the wrinkled neckline that had not been ravaged last night was slightly loose, and the densely packed strawberries planted by Sheng Yuchen looked particularly dazzling on her skin. .


Mu Chuqing gave a low cry, stretched out her hand to cover her neckline, glanced at Li Yufeng awkwardly, tugged at the corner of her lips, her eyes flickered for a while, and finally closed the door with a "bang" on Doudou.

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