Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1036: Be self-willed (27)

"Do you wear this way?"

What kind?

Sheng Yuchen looked down at his clothes. Although there were a few folds in his shirt, they were not obvious.

"Who is working overtime with you tonight?" Sheng Yuchen's appearance was obviously unconscious and calm, and Mu Chuqing asked again after he was balanced.

Sheng Yuchen was silent for a second, then suddenly laughed, bent slightly, approached her, and smiled: "Chu En is only my special assistant! I have been too busy recently, and it is difficult for newcomers to get started. Irvine brought it.

"Chu En?" Mu Chuqing looked up at him with a few warnings in her eyes. Sheng Yuchen grinned and stole a kiss on her lips, "Well, her surname is Chu!"

This is how Mu Chuqing's face looks better.

"Is this explanation still satisfactory?"

Sheng Yuchen suddenly approached her, her voice low and confused with a smile.

Mu Chuqing's ears were itchy for a while, and Sheng Yuchen's body was so hot that Mu Chuqing's ears turned red unexpectedly.

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes narrowed, and a hot flame filled his eyes.

Suddenly he straightened up, let go of Mu Chuqing, and looked at the two bedrooms side by side.

"Where is Doudou?"

Mu Chuqing pointed out, "Sleep!"

Sheng Yuchen glanced over the closed door, and when Mu Chuqing's voice just fell, he suddenly bent over and hugged Mu Chuqing.

Holding Mu Chuqing into her bedroom in the posture of hugging the bride.

"What are you doing, let me down quickly!"

Mu Chuqing was surprised, and Sheng Yuchen's movements were too unexpected.

Sheng Yuchen walked into the room. Because Mu Chuqing was struggling, he put her down in advance and hissed at her.

"Are you trying to wake Doudou?"

Mu Chuqing was silent, Sheng Yuchen pressed her against the door of her body, Mu Chuqing stepped back and the door closed.

His eyes were burning hot, his breathing gradually became heavy, he pressed her forehead, and his nose was next to hers. The atmosphere between the two people was particularly ambiguous.

Mu Chuqing's chest was ups and downs nervously, and her breathing became short without realizing it.

What he wanted to do, Mu Chuqing didn't understand at the moment, so she really shot it.

"You came in the middle of the night, is that just for this?"

Sheng Yuchen's hand touched her waist and slid along her curve. The heat sprayed on her face, causing her eyes to flash twice.

"Who made you run suddenly last night, I'll come over to make up for it."

It was okay for Sheng Yuchen not to mention yesterday, but Mu Chuqing felt uncomfortable again after mentioning yesterday.

Suddenly she pushed him away, her eyes squinted slightly, looking at him without squinting, and said:

"Say, are you hiding something from me?"

Sheng Yuchen raised his eyebrows, "Why do you say that?"

"Then why did you even carry me when you answered the phone last night?"

Sheng Yuchen groaned for a second, kneading her body with her big palm, her hot body pressed tightly against her delicate body, and through the cloth, he could feel the temperature from him.

Especially his hot chest, burned her front, a series of movements tempted her to feel a little soft.

A damp heat gradually came up in the body.

She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him weakly.

Blushing with a shy and resisting look, he almost wanted to kill someone.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes darkened again, and there was a scorching heat in her lower abdomen, and the hands around her waist suddenly fell together, holding her hips, and lifting her up and loosening forcefully.

In panic, her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist.

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